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The Carriage Return isn't just for when you send your carriage away and you want it to come back.


When humans are involved, abuse is inherently inevitable - regardless, give me gameplay where I won't be bored enough to seek after means to abuse.


Give me victories that are hard-fought and losses that demand retribution.


I. Am. A. Gamer.

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Hey BOFH... I was wondering how you got the coords of each client on the server. Here is the command I made, It looks correct but Im not sure why it doesnt work when I try to type it in the setviewpos command.


void Cmd_Locate_f (gentity_t *ent) {

vec3_t coord;


if ( trap_Argc() != 2 ) {

trap_SendServerCommand( ent-g_entities, va("print \"usage: amorigin <player identifier>\n\""));



VectorCopy(ent->client->ps.origin, coord);

Com_Printf("%s ^7: (X = %i, Y = %i, Z = %i)\n",ent->client->pers.netname,(int)coord[0],(int)coord[1],(int)coord[2]);



If you could give me any pointers on this or any of the way to create the teleporting process it would help a great deal. Thanks and good job on 1.0c :)

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Originally posted by wudan

When humans are involved, abuse is inherently inevitable - regardless, give me gameplay where I won't be bored enough to seek after means to abuse.


Give me victories that are hard-fought and losses that demand retribution.


I. Am. A. Gamer.

Very good point Wudan.


zERoCooL2479, what happens when you enter in the code, as is, into the setviewpos?

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What I did was I made a new command called amteleport and it uses the setviewpos code (i.e. teleport) The code listed above was to get the users (any user) on the servers' location: x y z. However, when I use those 3 numbers for the teleport command...they do not go where they were intended


For ex:


amteleport zERoCooL 60 60 60 40


it should teleport the user zERoCooL to x = 60, y = 60, z = 60, yaw = 40


However, it doesnt appear to work like that. The way I got it to teleport different users works fine, but it is the location coords that is messed up.


I tried just using viewpos to get coords and that doesnt seem to be the right (x, y, z angle) either...:confused:

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More scholarly programmers would say that anything worth doing is worth doing right the first time.


It's just a different methodology.


There's nothing wrong with the 'auto-mechanic' programmer - he's more like an artist, which is favorable in video-games. He's tweakin' it 'right!


Frankly, I see in BOFH a little of both, which is a pleasant surprise. Apparently, OmniMod is a big hit, as everybody plays it or JediPlus these days.



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I figured out what was wrong, but dont know how to implement it..


Here's what I came up with


the Teleport command has 3 parameters, ent, origin, angles. so when I enter in setviewpos 250 250 250 40: this sends me to a location of 250 250 250 40 on the map right? What I like is the ability to teleport any client. So lets say I have a new command amtele, like BOFH's JediPlus.


amtele zerocool 250 250 250 40


that would most likely be the command, however, the parameters need to be altered to make that happen.


Is there any ideas on how this can be done, its really driving me insane, hehe...

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