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All mods screw up g_saberghoul2collision!


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thats my conclusion so far. i tested g_saberghoul2collision 1 on my mod and on vulcanus admin mod on different servers. and it just screws up saber fighting. on basejk servers ghoul2 works fine. anyone had the same experience?

on my servers some player suggested to turn ghoul on so it gets more accurate and stuff. but it does block to often and one cannot hit an idle standing player who has blue stance on even if you have red stance! no comming thru, i've tried. on basejk everything works fine with g_saberghoul2collision...

so i guess that the sourcecode does not have the patched ghoul part from the 1.04 release.

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oh ehm,

the saber bounces off eachother during a strike. just test it and stay idle with blue stance selected. then a player with red stance makes a forward attack on you, nothing! it bounces off. you can't be hit, no mater what except a dfa i suppose. that doesn't work on baskejk servers, there red stance can break the defence on a blue stance user easily. that's about the main issue, and it makes a huge difference.

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That command enables parries within the middle of a swing. With some mods you have the ability to also adjust the "randomness" of these occurences. I leave this set t0 "0" or off on my jedimod server because it does make your sabrs bounce quite a bit. Accuracy comes from the box trce options and the always box trace options. Always should be set to on an the trace to -1 for the most accurate and deadly sabers. This is what I run on my jedimod v1.2 server:


//Saber - system//

g_dismember "100"

g_saberdamagescale "2.5"

g_saberboxtracesize "-1"

g_saberdmgvelocityscale "1.5"

g_saberdmgdelay_idle "150"

g_saberdmgdelay_wound "0"

g_saberghoul2collision "0"

g_sabertracesaberfirst "1"

_saberalwaysboxtrace "1"

g_friendlySaber "0"

g_saberLocking "0"

g_saberLockFactor "4"

g_slowmoDuelEnd "0"

mod_saberLockDuelOnly "1"



Hope that helps.

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