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To my fellow Un-Council members:

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i am sorry to report that for the next few days, my posts here will be next to none, due to my ban from the computer because failing english grade. by the way, Barnabas, if im not back by sunday, could you post that thing i sent you for me? Just say that i wrote it. i hope to be back here by then, but i cant be sure. ill post from time to time in school, because thats the only time i have access to a computer. So, be strong you guys, i know it will be hard for you to get along w/out me for the next couple of days, but i think you can help each other through this. untill next time, MTFBWY...A





The Un-Council's Disgruntled Bounty Hunter


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Guest Darth Vader

Originally posted by George Lucas:

HAHAHAHHA AHAHA HA your a retard!


No. I think YOU'RE a retard.



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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest obi_wan_kenobi

you guys leave him alone hes been nothing but nice




jedi knight obi_wan_kenobi

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Guest wizzywig

Sorry to hear about your computer woes, Calypso. And your English woes.


I was just the opposite when I was in school--English was about the only thing I excelled in, and I tended to let everything else slide.


I don't care about diagramming sentences and dangling participles and such, but I have always enjoyed English literature.


In any case, I hope you're able to get your English grade patched up (does this mean *gasp* summer school?) and restore full digital privileges. I've appreciated your encouragement on the CHURCH thread. I wish you well.


Oops. I just noticed your original post was way back on May 5. You obviously have your computer privileges restored by now. Well, cheers anyway.






"A commonsense interpretation of the facts suggests that

a superintellect has monkeyed with physics, as well as chemistry

and biology, and that there are no blind forces worth speaking

about in nature."



<font size = 1><font color = gray>





[This message has been edited by wizzywig (edited May 31, 2000).]

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Guest Wickedness

I am not a member of the Un-Council...yet...but our friend Calypso will be sorely missed. May we all pray for him to raise his grade in english...and remember...i before e, except in....i fergot....maybe Ill join u in your class.







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Guest Wickedness

I am not a member of the Un-Council...yet...but our friend Calypso will be sorely missed. May we all pray for him to raise his grade in english...and remember...i before e, except in....i fergot....maybe Ill join u in your class.







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hey hey you guys!


wiz and wickedness, thank you so much for your support and ecouragement. my english grade is now an "A" and my new computer moniter should be arriving any day now. (im at a different computer now)


by the way, wiz, i think your work on the church thread is increadible, i cant wait untill your book comes out. i am in the process of doing some research on this topic to see if i can add anything to the thread myself.


thanx again!




Say "hi" to Bango, Jo-Jo's friend and faithfull sidekick.He helps me bounty hunt.


The Un-Council's Disgruntled Bounty Hunter



[This message has been edited by Jedi Calypso (edited May 31, 2000).]

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Guest wizzywig

Wow, Calypso! You brought that grade up to an A in just a few weeks! And congrats on the new monitor!


And yeah, this Anthropic Principle/Rare Earth stuff is incredible, isn't it? I've been wanting to do a book on it for ten years or so, and I finally found the publisher who wanted to do the kind of book I envisioned.


Btw, I did on previous book with this same publisher--I collaborated with Star Trek actress Grace Lee Whitney on her show biz memoirs about working with Marilyn Monroe, Jack Lemmon, Shirley Maclaine, and her friendships with Gene Roddenberry, Bill Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, and Harlan Ellison--and it was the best experience I've had of the 45 or so books I've written. (It's called THE LONGEST TREK--check it out at http://userzweb.lightspeed.net/jdenney/longtrek.htm ).


I expect this new book (working title: ANSWERS TO SATISFY THE SOUL) will also be a great experience. At least, it has been so far.




<font color = gray>


"A commonsense interpretation of the facts suggests that

a superintellect has monkeyed with physics, as well as chemistry

and biology, and that there are no blind forces worth speaking

about in nature."


<font size = 1>




[This message has been edited by wizzywig (edited June 01, 2000).]

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Guest Jedi-Qui-Gon

Sorry about the grade calypso....I'm getting n F in english too. It's not cause i'm stupid it's that i don't put in effort....anyway, just like you to know i'm a fellow sufferer.




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Guest LukeFlyswatter

oh my god, George Lucas is so gay, he dosen't

even know how to abreviate you are. what a

F:eeks:K'n gay wad

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Guest LukeFlyswatter



I meant F:eek!:K, oh yeah I also forgott this(duh)



use the fork Luke!


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Guest Jedi-Qui-Gon

I'm sorry...I guess i must be stupid, who are Adam Carola and Jimmy Kimmel?




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Guest Shinigami

hey george! i want my 8 bucks back!!



12.gif Duo Maxwell: the UNcouncil's Authority on Animé

"Only fool fight man with Brisk!"

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oh, they have this show on comedy centrel. one time they set this table up outside the studio and passed around a petition to "end women's suferege."* it was pretty funny, they tricked a lt of people, but, eventionally, they caught on. i think they ended up getting areste or something.


*for those of you who dont know, women's suffrege is women's right to vote.




Say "hi" to Bango, Jo-Jo's friend and faithfull sidekick.He helps me bounty hunt.


The Un-Council's Disgruntled Bounty Hunter


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