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Disabling models/items on server


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Ok, I own a sabers only CTF server for our clan at {FK} Sabers Only CTF. I've recently seen an influx of people using non-multiplayer models in the game. For example. I was playing and I slice this guy. He looks like kyle to me. Since I have all the models I have installed on the server, I figure he's actually using the Kyle skin/model. But when my saber slices into him, I hear this god awful robotic screech. I'm like wtf was that?!?!?! I hit him again. And again more chirps and bleeps. I'm like how the hell are you making r2d2 sounds when I hit you, I don't have anything like that installed. The kid just laughs. So I do some research.


Apparently, there's a couple models you can call on to use in MP game aside of the ones that were disabled in the 1.03 patch (hands of kyle, headless kyle, ghost of morgan). R2D2 is one, as is a protocol droid. So my question is this. How the heck do I disable these. It's annoying as hell everytime someone turns them on and I get this msg "Warning: Someone attempted to load a non-compatible multiplayer model" or something along those lines. This is running rampant now apparently too. Every sabers server I've been on in the past three days I hear these god awful r2d2 shreaks.


Now, I know how to disable some things such as...

seta disable_item_shield_sm_instant "1"

seta disable_item_shield_lrg_instant "1"

seta disable_item_medpak_instant "1"

seta disable_item_medpak "1"

seta disable_item_medpac "1"


so to disable this would it be


seta disable_model_r2d2 "1"

seta disable_model_protocol "1"



I'm not sure of the model names or if these will work so I don't want to add the cvars to my cfg until I'm sure. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If anyone knows of any other annoying little "bugs" to disable, I'd appreciate those as well. Thanks.

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That's client side dude, I'm talking server side. It's reasonable to think that if you can systematically disable items on the server such as the different health packs and shield pickups that you can also disable other entities such as in game models. All I'm asking for is if the cvar I wrote would be right or if anyone knows of the right way to do it?

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They are part of the base game engine and as such you are stuck with these models and or sounds. Its like the reborn models, they are just there so you cannot limit them or turn them off. If its your server then make a rule that if you use non custom models/sounds then you will be kicked or enforce a policy of only kyle models with kyle sounds. I do not find it an annoyance myself, but I run almost 35 custom models on my server.

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