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Mod Loading


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This is a three part question...


1) Does there exist some sort of mod-manager tool that lets you start JK2 with certain mods already loaded? Something where I could open it from the desktop and choose which mods I wanted in-game and just click Start?


2) When I go into the Setup menu and select Load Mod, do mods carry over when I choose to load them? I guess what I'm saying is can I load two mods at once as long as they don't conflict?


3) Is there a way to un-load a mod without completely restarting the program?

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1 -- Create a seperate shortcut to JK2MP.exe and add +set fs_game JediMod to the command line:

"C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\jk2mp.exe" +set fs_game JediMod

Replace JediMod with the folder name of your modification you wish to load with JK2.


2 -- You can't have two modifications running at once. You can't have ProMod AND JediMod running at the sametime. Some mods like ForceMod are compatible with JediPlus, so it uses your JediPlus installation but loads / plays on the ForceMod settings.


3 -- If you loaded up JediPlus, you would have to restart to get normal JK2 back.

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So... (correct me if I'm wrong)...


If I load UberGuns and create a MP server and play that for a while and then go back to the Main Menu and load Enhanced Sabers, the guns will no longer have the UberGuns characteristics?


I just want to make sure that when I choose to load a mod it doesn't add the new loaded mod to the settings of the current mod.


Does that explain why things seem funky if I put all the *.pk3 files in the base directory all at once and the mods all seemed meshed together?

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Modifications that go into your base folder; JediMoves for example, should work along side any modification. But you can't have 2 loaded from the mod menu at the same time.


If you put all the Enhanced Sabers and JediPlus PK3s in your base folder and loaded up JK2, it would be very messed up :)

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