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The forgotten Holy War


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Originally posted by FatalStrike


I have noticed this as well but would like to add that relegion just a tool that is being used to make certain leaders seem more justified. Its just politics over there. They are no different then Red China and the former Soviet Union. They use whatever method will get them in power and opress the poeple once in power.


My point is that they sometimes don't even need to oppress anyone: They have a mandate from heaven.


Originally posted by FatalStrike

No its not the ONLY reason but it does cause people who other wise would be peaceful to be consumed with hate.


In Ireland you have a bunch of idiots causing problems, but you don't have the locals middle class strapping bombs to their chests and running into cafe's. Only extreme misery will allow a human mind to be weak enough to allow such an idea to take root.


I don't think that there is any middle class on the West Bank anymore. Anyway, during the First Crusade the entire population of Jerusalem was put to the sword for no logical reason, save the zelotism of their conquerors.


And the 'bunch of idiots' that you refer to in connection with Northern Ireland would have lost their breath long ago if they hadn't been supported by the locals: They recruit from almost every layer of society, and they wage gurillia war. Not easy if they are just 'a bunch of idiots'.


Anyway, I won't go into the Religion: Good/Bad debate, as that will get an otherwise good thread shut down faster than you can type "flame war". Now you know how I think about it, and I will continue to read this thread with interest.


This is ShadowTemplar signing out.

The shadows will have eyes...


BTW: What does it mean when there is a little black dot on the envelope next to a thread.

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