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This is some funny ****...


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I joined a CTF server and within 2 minutes I already scored 70+ points, so I guess the admin was pissed because I was owning everyone and put me and few others to sleep.


The server and parcipiants names will remain anonymous because I don't want to start a big flame war. But it just goes to show how much downhill the JK2 community has went since the game was initially released.


This reminds me of why I play in private servers only. I remember the day when you could pick a server at random, joined, and just had fun the whole time. Now everyone gets pissed when you use the force powers, use light saber throw, or anything like that.


For instance, I was in a server earlier tonight and a guy was complaining because the person he was dueling was throwing the saber. I mean, what the hell, aren't you supposed to use that? It's part of the friggin game! I've also been in servers where my friend used force pull ONE time to pull someone off an edge to fall to his death and got pissed off and told him, "**** you, you cheater".


So coming down to the point... does anyone know of any good servers without any lamers who complain every every little move used on them? It doesn't matter how good the players are, just something that's fun to compete in.

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You're kidding me right? It was on my server. And the reason you were put to sleep was because I asked you and priest 20 times to go red to even up the teams. Don't come on here and act like you're some tough guy. 70 points? Owning? Listen you dumb noob you get 25 for each time your team caps, and I capped TWICE while you were on hence my 1003 score in that game. You weren't owning. You suck. I asked you to switch 20 times and you didn't. It had NOTHING to do with you OWNING, cause the only thing you were owning was that fantasy world you were living in. Don't come on here and talk sh*t that this is why you only play in private servers. You're nothing kid. And anyone who wants to see what happened I'll gladly post the server logs, demos, and screenshots me and my fellow clan mates take. So don't run your mouth to look big noob, you weren't owning JACK!


And my server is good, hence why it's nearly full 24/7. You're just a lame little punk who couldn't follow a simple instruction asked of you from the admin. What you have to be on the winning team? Can't be on the losing team so you won't switch? I asked you 20 freaking times. Now stfu, and go play on your private servers. Don't b*tch about how you got treated when you didn't do what you were asked of.


Owning....omg, I'm laughing so hard. 70 pts in 2 minutes isn't hard when I cap twice in those two minutes. OMG, ROFLMFAO!

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Flag cap: 10 for the grab, 100 for the cap

Flag assist: is like 6 pts, for killing someone near your flag carrier

Flag carrier kill: 20 pts for kill, 10 more if you return it.

Flag Area Defend: 6-10 depending on where you kill the person

Flag Carrier killing an attacker: dunno why but this fluctuates from 1 - 6

Pulling someone to their doom after they've sent you to your death: 10 pts. (this I just found out recently)

Team Cap: All players on team aside of capper get 25 pts.


70 pts is nothing. Hence my score of 1003 in that game. So just hush and quit crying when you had nothing to cry about.

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bragging about 70 points in two minutes is just pathetic, however I was kick/banned from the same server after coming in and saying one sentence. The admin claims this to be untrue and told everyone a story telling everyone that I'm an "incredibly mean person" lmao and that everyone was begging for me to get kicked which doesn't make sense considering I was in the server two minutes and had never been in before and all I was doing was confronting the clan about all the **** talking they'd committed.

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So are you GEEZus? The one who's supposed to be banned from these forums? And you're a damn liar. You came on there spouting off running your mouth. You want to prove something, you don't join a server and start mouthing off to everyone. And THAT my little ignoramous, is what you were banned for. Don't spill your fables here that you didn't do anything. Hell, if you're GEEZus, you were banned from these forums what, three times? And if you're not GEEZus then you are definately associated with him and also spat off at the mouth. I don't ban random people for not doing anything wrong. People who get banned on my server are constant problems. I ask trouble makers to watch there mouths. If they continue. I kick them. If they come back and continue running their mouths, then they get banned. Tough luck, obey the admin or it's on you for what happens.

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Doug Weight huh? You just gave away that you are GEEZus. ROFLMFAO, what a tard. Admin. This kid Chron is really GEEZus who's been banned from these forums multiple times. Don't believe me? He just said he came on our server as Doug Weight. Well, here's what GEEZus posted on TWL forums.


Oh and btw I came in as [bLUES]Doug Weight and George Lucas not "ten different aliases" and I said maybe 3 things first I muttered something about you



You're busted GEEZus. Get a life dude. It's really sad all this forum trolling you're doing. What 3 bans here and you still can't learn to hold your tongue. Wonder how many proxies you're using to keep coming back. Either that or you have a seriously dynamic IP.

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Yeah, play dumb now. Anyone with a brain can easilly see that you claiming to be Doug Weight on our server, and then GEEZus saying he was the one that came in under that name on the TWL forums. Anyone with a miniscule brain can put two and two together and see that you're him, and he is you. So quit acting otherwise.

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Originally posted by chr0n|cb|@Ze

that's nice, but when did I say I was Doug Weight?

What I said must be true you just don't like the Blues cuz your obviously getting player names mixed up and must know something about them.


Well I cant see anything about you saying you were Doug Weight but what I can see is that you have edited your message wich means it might have been there before :rolleyes:

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