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Looking for clanmatches...


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4Jedi is a UK based TDM clan. We're trying to play a few American clans and yes we realise the pings will be a tad pathetic so we're willing to play one map on an American server and one map on an English one so both teams get a fair chance.


Our website is: http://www.jedi-knight2.co.uk/4j


We usually play no weapons, no force ( except jump / saber attack / saber defend ) and we can play with or without pickups. We can also play without kick if need be. ( This is what most UK clans play btw ).


My email is d33@jedi-knight2.co.uk although the poxy thing is screwing me around atm.


I'm on QuakeNET irc ( irc.quakenet.org / #4Jedi ) and msn ( jdanbury@hotmail.com ).


One last thing, if any clans out there have rather long / unsightly urls then if you leave a message here with your clans url and tag then I can set up an instant forwarder from a url like:





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