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Toggling walk?


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First let me say that if this has already been posted then I do appologize. I looked around, but didn't find anything on it.


With that out of the way, is their a way to bind a toggle to walk, so that I wouldnt have to hold the button, but rather can press once to walk, press again to run? I want this mainly for MP, but having it for SP would be nice too. :)


Thanx in advance.





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Always run is set on by default, turn it off.


Then, bind your Run key to toggle always run, whatever the console command is.


That way, you'll hit the button to switch to always running, then you can hit it again to go back to always walking.

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Originally posted by wudan

.......Then, bind your Run key to toggle always run, whatever the console command is.


Thats just my problem, I dunno what the command is to toggle run. I know +speed is run, so I'm assuming -speed is walk.

I have tried the following:

bind x toggle +speed

bind x toggle -speed


Neither worked....

Any help would be appreciated. :\

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Tchouky thank you so much!


[edit] I wrote everything to a script, which I can execute in game, but all it does is print the first line of code:

(walk_on is: "-speed;set walk vstr walk_off"), but thats ALL it does. My question now is what am I doing wrong?


For the record its saved as "walk.cfg" in my base folder


Thanx in advance for any help given[/edit]

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