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AOTCTC Needs Coders


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  • 4 weeks later...

lol, one thing I've learned while coding for AOTC: there are almost as many coders as there are 'team leaders' - and the team leaders have one coder each, generally.


It's almost as though there were 2 or 3 AOTC mods in production, but the main coding merging project won't take place for some time, and then ... BETA!

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That's very true. I think the biggie is that noone is willing to compromize to form a joint project. Which is sad really since most of the mods availible are just hyped versions of the same thing. My team hasn't merged with other projects due to the fact that I don't think people are pushing the gameplay emvelop enough. If you're going to change the gameplay, CHANGE IT, instead of just adding a couple of gimack items and calling it good.


AOTC, while it's a nice team and all, seems to be confused as to what it's doing. From discussions with the staff, the focus seems lost. I can't speak specifics as I don't want to spill the beans about their plans, but it sounds more like the "Mod Formerly Known As the AOTC TC" than the "AOTC TC". But that's just me. :D

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The problem is that it was planed as a SP mod. But not having SP code forces some changes. SP with Jedi Knight is posible but will take much coding time. And since most code for a MP AOTC mod can be used in a SP mod too we decidet to make a MP mod first. And we are still planning what to do exactly. But that is depending also on balancing etc.




Another thing is that I spend much time on leaning the code, the server - client and qvm - engine interaction and how the Ghoul2 Sytem works.

The result is the folowing:

- I know much about the code in many places

- I know much about the animaiton code

- I know that the atst implementation is rubish

- Multi Duel + not affecting players in Duel_Se ( http://www.nitemares.de/duel_se/ ) The not affection players while dueling is also in omnimod 1.1 ( don't know how good the implementation is )

- The work on aotc was slowed down that learning process

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Well, my comment before was BEFORE I was able to access our staff forums. I'm not at liberty to say, but we've got some seriously SWEEEEEET stuff in the works, a lot more than shows on our public pages.


As for multiple coders working on the same thing, Jaii and I don't have the same copy of the same code, but it'll most likely be my stuff being added in to his code, because he's the master, and I'm the padawan coder, but I'm trying to keep pretty good notes of what I'm doing, and I just want to help him out wherever I can.


We really do have a good team, and I wouldn't mind more coders, Jaii might, but hey, it's a lot of stuff that needs doing, and it'll get done faster if we all pitch in and do it.


As for SP or MP, it's pretty early to say, it is being based on the MP code right now, because that's what we have, but there's some very very nice features that'll be in that people who like MP or SP can appreciate.


That was vague enough, right Jaii?

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And yes, I also, spend a large large ammount of time reading code and asking Jaii about the best way to implement features.


Coding a JK2 mod seems like those string games that grade school girls play, we just want to get the most out of our string.


I read maybe 20+ hours of coding a week, with some attempts at feature implementation mixed in, and code maybe 10 hours or so (time is limited, but at work I have plenty of time to read the code)

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Well, if that's true, I'd keep the AOTC title, otherwise you could always change to a more appropretate title, if needed. :) I honestly don't have THAT much information on the project.


I'd just hate to see you guys get harassed if you turned out a quality mod that wasn't AOTCish enough for the public.


I'm still willing to share code if you guys have something truely unique in mind. :)

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