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There WILL BE Space terrain.


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Guest Starnick10287

I've played Rebel Assualt 2 and completed it in one day, then i accidently deleted the saved game. :(

Anyways, that mission inside the "capitol ship" was in fact in planet's mines.

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Guest Starnick10287

i know that.......................but what will the SPACE terrain look and be presented, because space isn't 2d but the game is.

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i mean that space should have the feel of depth, even though you look at something that is static.

so if you have stars that are simply drawn on a black background, that will be very hard to achieve depth. using scrolls or multiple / independent layers would be better but more system-demanding.

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Guest Tie Guy

That would be a way to do it, but another way would to have the stars actually be in suspended space, so it was althrough out the terrain, rather than just on the background.

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Guest Starnick10287

The one pic that shows the space terrain isn't that good. (you only see a small bit of it) But the small bit i saw, it looks like space will be a static and not layered. :( But they might might change that. (hopefully) :)

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