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Anyone know VisualBasic6?

Samuel Dravis

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I need some help figuring this out. I'm making a cfg editor for jk2, and i want it to popup a list (list1) of the item partially typed into a textbox (text1). if it can be positioned off to the lower right of the text that'll be great. any ideas? thanks


here's some of the code from text1_change:



Private Sub Text1_Change()

List1.Visible = True ' default = false


End Sub


Private Sub Timer2_Timer()

'List1.Visible = False

Timer2.Enabled = False

End Sub



i wanted to make it 'invisible until user typed something. if timer2's interval was over, then the list would disappear. if list1.visible = false was true it would disappear in a millisecond.

i can't figure that one out either.


if you want to see pics of the ConfigEd, click here

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by Samuel Dravis

I need some help figuring this out. I'm making a cfg editor for jk2, and i want it to popup a list (list1) of the item partially typed into a textbox (text1). if it can be positioned off to the lower right of the text that'll be great. any ideas?


Are you trying to simulate the dropdown in IE (where once you start typing it tries to match your entry, and displays a list of possible matches below), or am I missing something here?

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Here's what you need:


Firstly, you need to have the DLL for Microsoft Forms 2.0 (FM20.DLL) installed. I'm not sure if this is installed by default because I have so much **** installed on my machine I don't know what an original VB install looks like.


1. On your toolbox, right click, scroll down to "Microsoft Forms 2.0 object library" and check it. A couple of forms 2.0 components will appear similar to the originals (forms 2 label, text box, drop down and so on)


2. Select the 2.0 Drop-down and place it on your form


3. Set the "Style" property to "2 - fmStyleDropDownList" instead of "1- fmStyleDropDownCombo".


4. This will match text automatically as you type


hope this helps

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