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Ping varies from time to time

Toa Tahu

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I seem to have this problem with ping(not the moderator,my latency).


I am a 56'ker.Once,my ping was 999!And once,my ping was only 99!Can anyone help me on this?I would really like to know what's happening.


And,btw,on MSN Zone,I saw some people,whose latency were 3100ms!And yet his ping in-game was only 110!What the heck!And on MSN Zone how come my ping is N/A?It used to be about 1000ms last time but now it's N/A.Any MSN Zone experts pls help?Thanks though.


P.S.:If this message doesn't belong here then please send it to the appropriate forum.Thanks!

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1) The Zone blows, bad net coding.

2) you're on a 56K and you got a ping of 99-110? Uh, you had to be litterally right next to the box for that to be accurate, meaning the server you were on for that ping had to be within a 10 mile range of you. 56K is horrible for gaming on the net these days. Most gamers I see using 56K modems have pings usually in excess of 350.

3) ping by definition is the time it takes 1 bit of information to travel back and forth between two computers. Now, being on a 56K this is going to be worse. But on top of that, the further you are away from the servers location and the connection that server has also contributes to ping.


I hate to say it, but if you're worried about ping you have the wrong hardware to really do anything about it. The way these newer games are being developed with massive graphics and loads and loads of netcode really makes it next to impossible to play online and have much fun with it. I'd be hurting bad if I wasn't on my cable line. Especially in a game like this where timing is a huge part of the game.

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hmm. on gaming zone he prolly was downloading and finished to play the game. also gaming zone kinda sux like fallen one says cuz it lags up alot and gets hacked alot. second i usually get around 50 to a US or Canada server with good speed 1024kpbs or higher. but on forein servers i get like 100 around.

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Well,thanks for thos who replied.FYI,I'm living 1/2 a world away from where you live now,so I guess my ping would be real bad even if the host has super-mojo-cable.


But once I really don't understand.There's this guy who claims he's from US and when I was in his server(duel) my ping was only 99.Does the ping depend on space of the map?In Bespin my ping was in the middle(600-999) and in Death Star it was around about 700-900.Guess I got to Mind Trick my father for cable...:evillol:

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