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Where is the XSI Exporter for Gmax?


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According to the tutorial I got with Jedi Knight Tools, it says that I need an XSI exporter for my Gmax, so I can use assimilate to create a GLM file for my model.


However, it's not bloody there! haha I got an importer, but no bloody exporter, and everywhere I look has no exporter, and the one I did find was a dead link.


So please, does anyone know where I can get one?


Or is there a way to work around it using Gmax?



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gmax doesn't have many exporters. Reason being, software developers must pay discreet in order to obtain the rights to create a gamepak which would allow a developer such as Raven to integrate gmax as an editing tool with their game engine to create custom content. Basically the way I see it (because of Raven's lack of community support) there won't be an XSI exporter coming out anytime soon. HOWEVER...Valve (well know makers of Half-life) have since moved to Softimage and I'm pretty sure they're aware of gmax's community potential. Maybe when they publish a new FPS is will have a gmax gamepak with an XSI exporter that could be used for JK2. But by then JK2's mod scene could be dead.

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Ah, poo. But, luckily enough I've got a friend who can get me, 3ds Max, so I'm SURE I'll be able to use that to do my dirty work, well, the damn tutorials, at least say I'll be able to use 3ds Max to model, after all, people do make there own models somehow.


Anyways, thanks for that.

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