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Unwrapping models (UV mapping) using Milkshape?


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I'm relatively new to modelling and need some advice on UV mapping models. I use Milkshape 3D as it's the only tool I've come across that's powerful AND cheap. I got the hang of vertex-by-vertex modelling pretty quick, but when faced with skinning I was stumped. Now, there are plenty of tutorials out there on unwrapping models using 3DSMax, but none unfortunately using Milkshape. Is unwrapping a model in Milkshape even possible? If not, how would I set about mapping my models? Is 3DSMAX with plugins the only proper way to do it?


Any information, resources and links will be much appreciated.

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I've unwrapped in Milkshape before, but it is hard to get the same kind of quality found in more expensive modeling programs.

If you want to use Milkshape though, you'll need to break your model into easy to manage pieces and map them using the 4 directions. After that you have to move, scale, etc to get everything in there.

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