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Any ‘advanced’ gamers here who can tell me what this stuff means?


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Proprietary game engine, using all the latest 3D technology :


-DirectX® 8.1 support

-Dynamic LoD* (Level of Detail),

-Hardware accelerated Transform and Lighting,

-Pixel Shaders and Vertex Shaders

-Hierarchical animation and skinning system,

-DXTn compressed textures Dynamic Damage system Particle system able to handle thousands of particles, influenced by various forces, fields…

-Special effects : glows, lens flares, reflections, Dot3 Bump Mapping, Per-pixel lighting

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Originally posted by severous84

Yeah, the game I copied this from really IS purty - in fact the screens are so breathtaking I just had to know what all this stuff meant so I can compare it to specs for other games. It's a PC game - can PS2 and XBOX games have these same specs?


Many of these features aren't on the old boards.


You need a Geforce3 to run most of these special grafix thingies.


And a Geforce4 to get ALL of the special GFX thingiewinkies :)


Now, to answer your question.


The PS2 and XBox can get the game, but the PS2 will have poorer graphics then the Xbox, and if the Xbox wants all these grafics there is a good chance the framerate will go down to such an extend the game is unplayable and thus they must accept that they cant run some of the special gfx features in order to save gameplay.

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Well, I don’t know all those things myself, but I wanted to find out. So I searched around on the net and this is what I could get out of it:


DirectX is a small program developed by Microsoft that enables everything to connect to each other easier, basically working like a bridge.


Ex.: You may remember how games in the past worked in the setup of sound for instance: Every sound card needed to be compatible with the best sound cards out there, at the time that was basically Creative and Roland (I think there was one other but i can't remember), because every game (or any other sound dependent program) again had to put in codes to connect and use these sound cards. This meant lots of extra coding.

Nowadays those same cards just have to relate to the DirectX program and vice versa.


Dynamic LoD means, as said, Dynamic Level of Detail. This means that the engine draws objects that are farther from the camera/viewpoint with less detail. If you were to see that distant object upclose without the dynamic LoD on, you would see big spots making up the object instead of small dots.


Ok, that explaination sucked. :p

Here's alittle info on it, and definatly better explained.

Dynamic LoD


Transform and Lighting (T&L) is what happens when you look at an object (let’s take a stormtrooper from the JKII game) and start moving around him, changing the view on it. Actually, that’s just called Transform, or Transformation.

When the Lighting-part comes into play is when you also have a fixed lightsource, a lamp on the wall behind you for instance from where you start, and then move around the stormtrooper. The model of the stormtrooper needs to be drawn again and again seen from a different viewpoint as you move around him, and so do the light. The Stormtrooper can also move while you stand still. So can the light, a lightsaber for instance(although the lightsaber doesn’t create much light to light up much of the surroundings, but I’m sure you get the idea ;) ), or a torch.

Hardware Accelerated T&L means that grafics card that support this function can use it, taking the pressure of all the number crunching that goes into drawing a 3D object off the hands of your CPU. This way it frees up the CPU to do other things such as AI performance (you can add more advanced AI’s in a game the less the CPU needs to do to run the game).


With Pixel and Vertex Shading you get realistic grafics effects.

As Arne Olav Hallingstad said:

  • Hair and fur
  • Per-pixel lighting
  • Underwater effects
  • Clothing
  • Place your effect here :D


Check the link attached to his name there for further info on P&V Shaders.


Hierarchical Animation and Skinning is, for instance, the animation of the skeleton of a character, and skinning is process where the skin moves and deforms accordingly. :)


DXTn Texture Compression is a technic that compresses or decompresses textures in a simple way without it being too noticeable.


Dynamic Damage system is what creates your bumps on your car in a car/race simulation. Or atleast i think that’s what it is.


The Particle System is what creates the realistic smoke, or cold breath coming out of the characters mouth, and fog and so forth, effects that are built up by little particals.


The special effects are:


Glows: Glow is what coal does when it’s hot. ;) That should be enough info to figure it out. :p


Lens Flare: Are those rings that you see when you look through a camera and the Sun shines on the lenses from the sides (NOTE: Do not try to direct a camera directly AT the Sun. That is bad!!! :p Even without you looking through it).


Reflections: Doesn’t need much explaining I think.


DOT3 Bump Mapping: Not really sure what it is, but here’s a link to a demo of what it does: DOT3 Bump Mapping Demo!


Per-pixel lighting: Not really sure about this either, but check out this article: Tom’s Take On NVIDIA’s New GeForce2 GTS

Yeah, ok, so it’s an old article I found, put the basic is still the same, maybe abit more advanced today. ;)



In short, like the other guys here said: This system is purty! :D


Now, how about a link to this game, hmmm? ;)

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Well, Jan Gaarni, you certainly went above and beyond the call of duty with that reply! I'm very grateful - and impressed! So, as you requested, here is a link to the game I was curious about in the first place.. you've most certainly earned it. I would go so far as to say I've never even seen space shots quite like this in a movie: http://dreamcatcherinteractive.com/hegemonia/ - see what I mean?

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Well, there is this. Not as high on specs but darn fun to play. And really great grafics.


Just download the client, go to Newbie Server and have a blast for as long as you want.


And if you wonna advance thru the ranks, rather than staying Midshipman, all the way up to Fleet Admiral, then you can just subscribe (optional) and new ships will be available to you once you reach the next rank, and you'll be let in to the other servers aswell.


Here's some screenshots.

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