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What's up with ImperialGarrison.com?

Guest Gui69do

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I would visit there at least once a day, checking for updates...then, just the other day, I try to go there and all this weird crap comes up!!! Anyone know WTF is going on here?


~Putting phrases and quotes at the end of your statement is stupid~

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Guest Hannibal
Originally posted by Gui69do

[b~Putting phrases and quotes at the end of your statement is stupid~ [/b]



HeHeHe:D That's funny!




:c3po: "Gay, what do you mean gay?"

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My bad on the Wookie Berserker. Which one do you think it is?

A tech three (control bar) Wookie Trooper probably with some cool tech upgrades

The tech tree is disputable - Note the tech "Technicans" shows a wookie, etc.

I think that is a universal Icon for a tech that everyone uses

The majority of the icons are Gungan-themed, so you may be correct though

Especially the mechs (those Kaadu's look mighty mechanical;) )

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