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Forcemod I'd like to talk

Lord Reye's

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Me and my brother have been working on a multiplayer map

that intel's two jedi sent to investigate a hidden base that

a Bothan spy had ran into.


So far Forcemod fit's the map the best sence your mod give's the

Jedi very powerful moves and force which is needed.

We are in the beta phase of our map and we need tester's


I have a very Intense story of betrail and of true love for

fellow man, and what it take's. A padawan's struggle with letting

go of the past.


Here is what the map feels like so far.


As of now, if you spawn as a Jedi you start in a jungle.

It plays a mp3. (I regret having us split up I feel we are in danger.) Then you make your way through the jungle you see stormtroopers but you manage to slip by them using the bushes.

You follow the river into a cave. The river drop's into a huge waterfall and leeping from rock to rock, you come across a ventlation duct of some sort and so you cut it open with your saber and head in.....


The Empire will have short cuts through out the map even a transport drop shipmoving troops being a stormtrooper is a

blast you have no force power just trip mines blasters bacta

tanks gernades and teammates.


But this is only the first chapter so we need beta testers.

Plus id like to get a hold of someone who can help us with a

web page.


We would love to implament Jetpacks as a pick up item so we

can have bounty hunter sith etc..


Ill try to bring some screen shots.

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