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What is "Yawspeed"?


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yawspeed is basically the thing that controls your mouse sensitivity. In the olden days (not that long ago as game is still young) people would bind a key to increase yawspeed, enabling them to spin around certain moves at a stoopid pace. I'm not sure about changing it or anything, cept the basic console command which fixes it to what you change it to. There isn't much point doing this now though as most moves that could take advantage of this were corrected in the patch.

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Why does everyone think yawspeed is mouse sensitvity? It is not .. its the speed in which u turn right left. It is meant for adjusting joystick. But like so many things. ITS ABUSED AND ITS CHEATING! So all you spinning idiots out there that think your kewl with your yawspeed cheat bull****, just another newb tryin to find an edge in a masters world.

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