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1.04 Duel Video


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This Video is fairly pathetic and rough. It's not too long and it's sole purpose was for practice. It's just a random demo that I decided to record about 2 months ago. The vid shows the basics of 1.04, 'high-end' dueling. If it's interesting enough then I could make a full video composed of FFA. It's hard to compete w/ the CTF videos tho :). Remember, this is rough so don't criticize.


P.S. I'm usually better than this. This is a crappy demo, unfortunately, I only recorded 2 demos. The other is long and boring.


P.P.S. You'll need the latest version of DivX for the vid to work. You can find it here:





P.P.S. If you look closely, my record is 6-1 at the end. That death is from being afk... ;).

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Originally posted by RahnDelSol

Try making a basic HTML page, on your Angelfire account, with the video linked.


Most free sites won't let you download files via direct link, but they WILL allow downloads from pages hosted on their servers.


I was trying to avoid that but....I'll have it up shortly.

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

3 kicks and a heavy swing or 2....



???? or am i missing something? :p


Uhh, yeah, actually it was 2 pull/throw/kicks (watch closely or you'll miss alot) and a heavy swing/side kick. He would've been dead sooner but the bump at the ravine stops from double tapping. Anyway, I said it was nothing special. It just shows the basic outline of 1.04 dueling.

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Originally posted by Break_dF


Sure, I just reinstalled jko...for demo purposes only. Homo Ewok was the best name at these forums. Why'd you kill him?


Hehe, I noticed almost all of my accounts/addresses had something to do with gay/homo stuff and although it was tongue-in-cheek humor, it was even beginning to kind of creep me out too...

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Originally posted by Xabien

hmmm 3 kicks and you didnt even time the only swing you did correctly. I don't get it.


Swinging a saber in a full Force duel is kind of like tossing a detonator down an empty hallway in a FFA game.


It is more of a "great if it nails someone, no big deal if it does not" type of thing, than an actual strategy.


Remember the key words being *full Force duel.


Force and kicks > sabers.

I wish this were not true, but alas, it is…

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Originally posted by Xabien

hmmm 3 kicks and you didnt even time the only swing you did correctly. I don't get it.



Actually it was a pull/throw/kick. You probably don't understand the concept. I realize that it's difficult to judge timing through a video...remember this was rough. If you think you could do better, why don't you meet me in a server somewhere?...



UJ, you're right. I swing heavy at the end of a combo or when I know someone's about to pull me. The swing did connect but if you'll notice the huge gap in the map, that kind of hindered things. You know...


Zero, I know man. Remember it was rough. I have really sweet FFA demos from when the AP server had the force regen maxed. Really fast paced killing. I was kicked several, several times in the process of getting the dems 8). I think my record was 30 kills in alittle over 2 minutes.

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Originally posted by Unnamed Jed1


Hehe, I noticed almost all of my accounts/addresses had something to do with gay/homo stuff and although it was tongue-in-cheek humor, it was even beginning to kind of creep me out too...


You could've requested a name change....

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Originally posted by BoMbER

I will take that challenge... but why not make it more intresting. If dF is a clan ( wich i dont know if it is ) why dont you take on my clans 3 best in a FF Saber TFFA to 50. Whaddya say?


FF sabering, I'll take your 3 best alone. Just give me a date. I reinstalled jko yesterday....oh, this is gonna be fun.


dF isn't a clan. I could get my boys at SF tho...I don't think you'd want to do that. Nah, I'll make it fair. 3 vs. 1 should do.

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Originally posted by BoMbER

NR Public Server - 9:00 PM EST - Saturday











Your right, this will be fun.



Hmm...I'll wait until after the match to comment...

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Crap on a stick, let me play pleeeazzzeee!

Actually we have a TWL match at the exact same time so... =(


BTW I'm sure you were filled in on the events of the past few days, and that said, do stop by.

Hell, we could even help you make some tutorial movies.

You could do a set of videos called "Full Force combat for dummies", showcasing all the things that get full Force players insulted/kicked/banned.


Then you could sell it on eBay and get rich.


Then I could sue you for stealing my idea and get rich too.

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