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1.04 Duel Video


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hmm...pull/throw/kick. That is even worse cos you dont have to time the kick either :) oh and btw.. Full force doesnt result in a kick match. I switch absorb on and play as I normaly would. I dont play JK2 alot anymore because of people like this that though they were good cos they could press 4 buttons repetedly. If you had caught me when I was in my prime I would have hung you out to dry.

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emp_reborn? ive seen u a few times before. i only goto zone for ff guns games and once i was in a room with all bsb when i saw u dudes talking with mk_swede bout who's the best or somethin. was that u? cuz ill play u if i see u again ff besp sabz. im a gunner but not bad in ff sabz. beat this dude called jsf_gunthaa_ who said he was good. and beat llsmithll.

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Yeah, I played gunthaa a few days ago and won 15-3. Swede used to be in my old clan SD, as my second in command. I dont think im the best FF Saberist anymore... I just fought Break last night... i can see why people think you script break, but im not going to stoop low enough to say that I think you do.

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Originally posted by Xabien

hmm...pull/throw/kick. That is even worse cos you dont have to time the kick either :) oh and btw.. Full force doesnt result in a kick match. I switch absorb on and play as I normaly would. I dont play JK2 alot anymore because of people like this that though they were good cos they could press 4 buttons repetedly. If you had caught me when I was in my prime I would have hung you out to dry.



Actually a ptk would take even more timing...idiot. Btw, I fight people who rely on absorb all the time. It's a joke. Absorb is the most pathetic defensive action I have ever seen. If that's your idea of being "good" then I know you're not worth even talking to. Please, you could be twice as good as you thought you were and still not even come close to "hanging me out to dry." Give me a Break .... dF.

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lol.. as I said I USED to be good until i stopped playing because of people like you. But I know I could beat somebody who would bother even THINKING about making a video based on kicking somebody 3 times and botching their only saber move.


PS. If Absorb is the most pathetic defense then what about if I put a piece of grass in my mouth and tried playing the theme from Sanford and Son. I think you will find that is an even worse defense.


PS2. Normal kicking is alot harder than pull kicking. If you try and kick somebody they can move out of the way or roll away... If you pull kick they are dragged right into your kicking zone and you dont realy have to judge it that well.

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Originally posted by BoMbER

think im the best FF Saberist anymore... I just fought Break last night... i can see why people think you script break, but im not going to stoop low enough to say that I think you do.


did u lose bad? play this dude called llsmithll. i heard he's somewhat elite.


absorb is used for guns mainly. since if u don't use it. u get ur gun pulled.

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Originally posted by griff38

I finally managed to d-load it DF.



And I must say I have seen you do better.



What's w/ all the F*cking criticism? I never posted the video to showcase my "mad skill." It was just a practice from an old demo. Jesus Christ...Why would I even think about posting another? Anyone who thinks they can do better can, again, meet me in a server. I seriously doubt you'll talk any smack then...seriously...

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Originally posted by Xabien

lol.. as I said I USED to be good until i stopped playing because of people like you. But I know I could beat somebody who would bother even THINKING about making a video based on kicking somebody 3 times and botching their only saber move.


PS. If Absorb is the most pathetic defense then what about if I put a piece of grass in my mouth and tried playing the theme from Sanford and Son. I think you will find that is an even worse defense.


PS2. Normal kicking is alot harder than pull kicking. If you try and kick somebody they can move out of the way or roll away... If you pull kick they are dragged right into your kicking zone and you dont realy have to judge it that well.



You, please, shut up..you never were "good" you never will be. Now go away and stop posting. Your input is rather redundant and pointless babbling.

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As stated in his first comment, it is just a rough practice. Practice being the conversion from a demo to avi format, not practice as in game play. It could have been a demo of two guys throwing detonators at AFK people for all it mattered.


Actually, the quality for a rough cut is not bad, a question though...


As far as video formats/converting demos go, is avi the only format they can be converted into?


The reason I ask is I have a bunch of huge demos from TeamFFA matches and unless I put them into something like Real format, the size would be massive.


I know the quality would suffer, but I'm more interested in trimming down the download size.


Then again, I'm a noob when it comes to video things like this so I could be wrong.

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Originally posted by Break_dF

As far as I know, AVI is the only way. BTW, we need to get together and make a real movie-one to shut the morons up. BTW, Fabien, if you don't think I can back my talk up, ask Bomber..hell, ask his whole clan.


Cool, I'll e-mail you my new AIM and we'll get e few done.


Now on the editing, is it a frame by frame thing, or do you just convert the whole file?

Reason I ask is I have a few demos that are pretty boring, but there are a few funny as Hell moments that would be great to make into a "jackass" type of video.

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Nutrious said that there was a way to write a script to start the recording so many minutes into the demo. Obviously, this would help w/ long demos. To go in and edit, I've been just screwin' around w/ the screenshots. I'm no expert. I just know the basics.

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I said, I have seen you do better.




I thought I was agreeing with you & complementing you.


As far as longer film clips, why not just make a demo and load it to the web storage site. I could make a 60 minute full screen demo that would have sound and be smaller than a 640x320 avi with divx.



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Originally posted by Xabien

Whoa man... your getting a bit out of order now. If you cant take peoples opinions dont post videos and expect everyone to like them... I'm sure you are an excelet FF Kick fighter :)


Do you ever stop posting idiotic nonsense?...I didn't think so.

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