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PROMOD MediaPak 1


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Ok..I think I understand. I've just had very bad experiences with people harassing and/or trying to steal work, and your criticism struck me as more sarcastic and biting than constructive.

Anyway, if you want to continue this conversation, please PM me. I don't want to plug up this thread any more than it already is.

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As a student 3D artist I can sympathize when someone makes criticisms that are... how we say... badly worded. I haven't seen Jerec in-game, but Wolf Devil's comments did seem pretty rude to me.


I'm sure you didn't mean to offend Wolf, but you really gotta work on your tone. I know you were probably trying to be funny and cool, and just say your mind. But if you're gonna volunteer to edit somebody else's work you better think about how you'd react if a guy on a forum started making depreciating jokes about stuff you've spent tens of hours creating. You could've made all the same criticisms without sounding so damn smug.


It's freakin' hard to make good textures/models. Be nice.

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Originally posted by inbredyokel

Anyway, I'll drop it since this is way OT(sorry bout that). If you guys would still like to include Jerec in your mediapak, just send me a PM with your email and I'll get him to you with the completed soundpack.


Speaking of insults, how does one refer to you by your alias and not offend you??? I mean, I can't say "Hey, InbredYokel!" Can I???:D


Anyway, I'm quite fond of your treatment of Jerec. actually. I would have liked to see a caped version, but I'm cool with what you've got. Might be neat if he did that 'tongue thing' as well -but probably a little out of the question...


I like the sounds too. Are you saying that there is more sounds to go with him than what I downloaded?




Yeah, that was interesting. Funny how it's all about "community" until it's 'your stuff' that's involved. Then folks start drawing 'property lines' and expecting royalty checks... heh heh -don't hold your breath...

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It's time to get the best of all the media listed in this thread together in one small A-list. I can already say that Toonces Kit Fisto model is a shoe-in, as will be his Mace Windu if he can finish it in time.


I'm wrapping up Promod 3.1, and I want to simultaneously release the Media Pack 1.


Syfo: you need to go through all the maps and see if they've got bot support, and judge their quality, then do the same with the models/skins. Once you've got a short list, pass that along to me and I'll see about getting it put up on my server for some beta testing.


Remember, I'm looking for around 3 duel maps, 3 ffa maps, and 3 ctf maps. Once I look at how big that download will be, we'll see how many models and skins we can get into the game also.

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Originally posted by Moradivh

As a student 3D artist I can sympathize when someone makes criticisms that are... how we say... badly worded. I haven't seen Jerec in-game, but Wolf Devil's comments did seem pretty rude to me.

It wasn't meant to be rude, I simply mentioned some things I noticed in-game.

I'm sure you didn't mean to offend Wolf, but you really gotta work on your tone. I know you were probably trying to be funny and cool, and just say your mind.

I can't work on my tone since I only have one, and I didn't mean it to be funny or cool.

But if you're gonna volunteer to edit somebody else's work you better think about how you'd react if a guy on a forum started making depreciating jokes about stuff you've spent tens of hours creating.

I don't volunteer, I just do but I don't release it FOR it to be critized... And for the record the only thing I've volunteered for is bot pathing!!

You could've made all the same criticisms without sounding so damn smug.

If I knew how, believe me I would.

Be nice.

Not one of my strong points.

Originally posted by inbredyokel

Ok..I think I understand. I've just had very bad experiences with people harassing and/or trying to steal work, and your criticism struck me as more sarcastic and biting than constructive.

I just think that there were some things I thought flawed/needed to be addressed. And about the face: I just thought that maybe you or madjai could have dragged the vertices along the edge of the face in so it wouldn't look so danged sharp...... Don't everybodies jaws drop at once, I may not be very good at modeling yet, but even I know SOMTHING about it.

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can't wait for the media pack...


I wish I had enough balls to suggest the model I've been working on, or wish a skilled skinner would give it a better face (I doubt there is enough interest for the character though).


You can check the showcase forum here if you're interested about this low-budget a-la-bollywood production (shameless plug i know :) )


It would be GREAT to be able to play on some non standard maps for a change. The thing that worries me though...


There are very little promod players at a given time to begin with. Also coupling this with a multi megabit download for the mediapack could shy away even further players.


I could suggest splitting the media pack in two as a small way to alleviate the load: one pack would contain only the maps, while the other pack the player models, and whatnot. This way the first part of the media pack would be indispensable to avoid being booted off mapcycles, but the second part would be optional for your visual pleasure :)

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Originally posted by Syfo-Dyas

Ugh! geeeezzzz...I just knew this was going to come up...:(


If you are so smart, then you should have taken precautions


Okay, here's the deal. I have no intentions of asking for 'permission' for any file. It would be great to have the author's 'blessing', but it's not necessary -and neither is 'permission'. All of these maps, mods, skins, models, and whatever ("MODS") are derivative works. If the author has any issues about certain people or conditions for which their MOD should not be used, then they really had no business releasing it in the first place. It's public domain now -in a way. There is one and ONLY ONE entity who controls any JO MOD's ONCE they are released -and that is LucasArts. You can read the License agreement for yourself if you'd like - I'm paraphrasing, but I'm not making anything up.


I tried hard to find a word inhere that made sense, alas, it's late, and I can't seem to find one. AS SOON AS YOU CREATE SOMETHING IT IS YOUR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. Apart from that the maps have README FILES includes, and as their name strangely suggests, they are there to be read. You can use no ones map in your mod unless you have permission to do so.


MODS are 'shady' in general. I can't think of any MOD I've seen that included the author's full name AND home address.


That's cause we are getting more fanmail that we can handle, and I don't want my fans to be camping in my garden.


Usually, you get an alias and an Email. Also, many mods use other copyrighted material -which is expressly NOT allowed. I don't think anyone polices these MOD web sites looking for Darth Vader samples, which is a good thing because I am sure they know that they would find them. They don't look for them because they obviously know that it's just 'fans' having harmless fun, and although copyrights are being violated, it does more harm than good to enforce them in these cases. So I believe they must turn a 'blind eye' to all of this.


So basically your saying, everyone is doing it, so why shouldn't I?


Let's not get greedy here, Detritic. We've got a good thing going. Let's keep it that way. If this were the music industry it would be 'lawsuit city'. It's buIIsh1t! Let's NOT go there. If an author of a MOD feels they need to retain control of their work, technically they should have never created it to begin with. But the next best course of action would be simply NOT to release it to the public. Because once that is done, the cat is out of the bag.

I feel that ethics DO come into play here. I object to anyone claiming to have authored someone elses work. I also feel strongly, that credit be given to the author. And that information is legally mandated anyway.

Just to put this into perspective, let's remember WHY these MODs exist in the first place: It showcases talent, and allows us to have communities like this one, or Massassi, and many many others. None of these would exist if the MODs didn't exist. So let's enjoy them for what they are, and leave it at that.

I REALLY REALLY hope that this issue has been put to bed, and that little more will be written about it...


Actually, there wouldn't be an issue if you would do it the right way from the start. I will however agree with you on 1 condition. You allow me to release promod 3.1, and all I'm going to do is change 1 word in the readme file, your name will be changed and UniKorn will come in the place, basically I'm gonna be calling it my creation, since basically that is what you are doing.

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Originally posted by UniKorn


If you are so smart, then you should have taken precautions


I tried hard to find a word inhere that made sense, alas, it's late, and I can't seem to find one. AS SOON AS YOU CREATE SOMETHING IT IS YOUR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. Apart from that the maps have README FILES includes, and as their name strangely suggests, they are there to be read. You can use no ones map in your mod unless you have permission to do so.


That's cause we are getting more fanmail that we can handle, and I don't want my fans to be camping in my garden.


So basically your saying, everyone is doing it, so why shouldn't I?


Actually, there wouldn't be an issue if you would do it the right way from the start. I will however agree with you on 1 condition. You allow me to release promod 3.1, and all I'm going to do is change 1 word in the readme file, your name will be changed and UniKorn will come in the place, basically I'm gonna be calling it my creation, since basically that is what you are doing.


I'm not planning on releasing anything without permission. I'm not planning on releasing anything without giving credit to who created it. I'm neither planning to try to take credit for anyone else's work. I'm just trying to put together a quality compilation for people who don't have the time or inclination to pore through the gigabytes of material available on jkii.net and other community filebases, but who still want to play some different, interesting maps.


I was actually planning on emailing you guys and asking about the inclusion of 1 or 2 of your maps. Should I take it that your answer to that would be "no"?

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The moment u mail me about it, you will get the permission immediately. But stating that you are not going to ask for it (referring to somebody else's post) is disrespectful to the work that has been put into it.


I'm glad you take this the correct way, you don't need to go to the trouble mailing me about it, you do get my permission. I only have a problem with those not asking for it even when they know they should.




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Originally posted by ksk h2o

can't wait for the media pack...


I wish I had enough balls to suggest the model I've been working on, or wish a skilled skinner would give it a better face (I doubt there is enough interest for the character though).


You can check the showcase forum here if you're interested about this low-budget a-la-bollywood production (shameless plug i know :) )


It would be GREAT to be able to play on some non standard maps for a change. The thing that worries me though...


There are very little promod players at a given time to begin with. Also coupling this with a multi megabit download for the mediapack could shy away even further players.


I could suggest splitting the media pack in two as a small way to alleviate the load: one pack would contain only the maps, while the other pack the player models, and whatnot. This way the first part of the media pack would be indispensable to avoid being booted off mapcycles, but the second part would be optional for your visual pleasure :)


Actually man, I really like that model you're doing! The subtle texturing on the outfit is really top notch. You should release it as a Jedi Training Robot or something like that. It makes me think of someone dressed in a fencing gear outfit. If you can get some appropriate pain sounds and a botfile together in time, I'd definitely consider it.


One suggestion though, you might want to run it through a Modify->Levels function in Photoshop. The texturing looks great up close, but it'll be hard to see at a distance. I'd suggest either that or darkening the fabric around the joints somewhat.

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Originally posted by UniKorn

The moment u mail me about it, you will get the permission immediately. But stating that you are not going to ask for it (referring to somebody else's post) is disrespectful to the work that has been put into it.


I'm glad you take this the correct way, you don't need to go to the trouble mailing me about it, you do get my permission. I only have a problem with those not asking for it even when they know they should.





Cool, glad to hear it man, now i just gotta pick which ones...hmmm...


Are there any of your maps that you'd say were specifically well suited to Promod or competition in general?

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Yes, I have taken all the thoughts here into consideration and I do think its wise to split up the packs. They'll be as follows:


Promod Map Pack 1,

Promod Model/Skin Pack 1


This way, someone connecting to a server who has only downloaded the Map Pack will not have to download anything else. This will also allow me to put more models/skins in that pack without having to worry about people on low-bandwidth connections having to download one huge file just to get the maps they need.

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Originally posted by UniKorn


If you are so smart, then you should have taken precautions



Oh, you heard my wife was pregnant? It's okay, we wanted to have another child anyway... :D



Originally posted by UniKorn

I tried hard to find a word inhere that made sense, alas, it's late, and I can't seem to find one. AS SOON AS YOU CREATE SOMETHING IT IS YOUR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. Apart from that the maps have README FILES includes, and as their name strangely suggests, they are there to be read. You can use no ones map in your mod unless you have permission to do so.


Look UniKorn, I don't know who pissed in your Kornflakes today, but it certainly wasn't me. I didn't make up the rules. You can claim Intellectual Property until you're blue in the face -it doesn't change the legal agreement YOU entered when YOU made a mod (which includes maps) for JO.

Are you aware that LucasArts could (for example) take one (or all) of your fantastic maps and use them in a version 1.05 release for JO? They could do that! And they wouldn't have to ask your permission to do it -or-(and get this) COMPENSATE you in ANY way for your work!!!


Hey, but don't take my word for it -read on, my friend:


Excerpts from the License you agreed to when you installed JediOutcast -you DID bother to read it, didn't you??? :eyeraise:

MODs may, or may not, be permitted by LEC, in its sole discretion, provided that you agree that the following conditions apply to your creation of any MODs:


* MODs may not be designed to be used as a stand-alone product.


* (5) MODs must identify in every description file, on-line description, read-me, and in comments in the MOD code (if new code is added): (a) the name, address, and e-mail address of the level’s creators, and (b) the following disclaimer: "THIS LEVEL IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, Bla-Bla-Bla You probably know the disclaimer part already. It does sound like you better get ready for some "fans camping in your garden" though...


* (6) MODs may not be sold, bartered, or distributed on a stand alone basis or with any other product for which any charge is made, including, without limitation, renting, leasing, retail sales and/or on-line electronic distribution (other than incidental charges for time spent on-line), but rather must be distributed free of charge.


Of particular note are the words "any charge". I see that as meaning a 'condition' which must be met in order to gain the right to use the MOD. It could be money you expect to be paid. It could be the right to use other MODS (in other words:"I'll let you use my MOD, but only if you let me use your MOD). It could also mean HAVING TO GET PERMISSION from you to use it.


"Free of charge" means 'without conditions'.




* By distributing or permitting the distribution of any MODs, all creators or owners of any trademark, copyright, or other right, title or interest therein grant to LEC an irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free, sublicensable right to distribute the MOD by any means (whether now known or hereafter invented), and to create and distribute by any means (whether now known or hereafter invented) derivative works thereof, and to charge for the distribution of such MOD or such derivative work, with no obligation to account to any creators or owners of the MOD in any manner. So basically, your term "intellectual Property" -as you put it- holds no meaning, because it serves no function.

Still think nothing I originally posted made any sense???


There are good and valid reasons for those rules, by the way:

One is to keep people like you from spoiling everyone's fun by saying things like;

:nutz1: "You can't use MY mod cause I said so, nyah!" :nutz1:




:sign2: "People can only use MY mod if they pay me a dollar each time they use it!" :sign2:


Another reason is simply to keep Modders 'legal'! Without those rules and provisions, LucasArts would probably have to have you arrested for mucking around with their software.


This way everybody gets to share in the goodness.

Gamers get cool extras for their games.

LucasArts gets extended shelf-life for their software.

Modder's get to become computer gurus by tinkering with commercial software, and end up making big $$$ designing stuff like Jar Jar Binks or a CG Yoda for Industrial Lights & Magic -and don't say that'll NEVER happen, I've got a childhood friend who is a big time animator for Disney. College degrees mean nothing compared to a kick-a$$ portfolio...

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Syfo I think what Unikorn was trying to point out was not the legal aspect of things but just the ethical, courteous side of things. Su re you may legally not need to do anything but a short email to the creator of the artwork is not like sawing your arm off and will probably be accepted with a lot of enthusiasm and support. Modders and modelers do put a lot of personal time into their work and are allready getting shafted by their wifes/gf's and friends for becoming a ghost, so they just dont want people passing their hard work as their own without noting origin. Although the legal side may give LEC godlike powers, the community itself yould at least operate with some courtesy among itself :)


Art, thanks man, glad you think my model isn't crap. Having it in the media pack would be beyond all my expectations for the model, and "jack-nicholson-cool." The model allready has a botfile and all the custom pain sounds for every damage level. My problem is the skin bit. since I'm not a skinner, I'm having a hell of a time making the model look decent. sure I have the photoshop skills to hold my own on a FARK thread but skinning... whew.... I cant really draw with a mouse you see. And all my scanned hand drawings are out of scale... plus coloring and texturing these hand drawings isn't something I know how to do. :(


I'll take a shot at the function you suggested to make the texture a little more visible. However the skin that is on it right now is really only a reference skin for the head and a modified shadowtrooper skin for the body. I happen to like it as well, for some lucky reason the faded out trooper skin, imho, came out really well. I'm trying to add a metallic effect shader to it to make it look a little better but so far had no luck. The only shader I got to work was a blinking and neon glow effect for the eye. I know the model would look a lot better with a real, new, skin but I need exterior help for this to become a reality. I'll send you and happydan a copy of the model once I try to fix up the skin texture and try my luck with shaders again so you can tell me what you think. :D

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