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ok ive gotten to the area where you climb the infrostructure. Inoticed the grate, opened it while still on the infrostructure shot bombs into it, it exploded but nothing happens except that the machine that was working on the structure is going around very fast. and every time I try to jump to the ledge i die. none of the doors that were orange are still orange and no docking bay in that area opens up. PLEASE HELP I'M severly stuck.

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ok, so i think i know where you are... you climb to the top of the big thing and a thing is spinning around it and you shoot things at a thing? hehe... go through the hole/grate and there are 4 purplish/bluish power cells (2 on either side of the room)... make sure you blow ALL of them up... the thing on the thing will go around really fast and then it should explode... when you are coming out of the grate look straight ahead and down... there should be a hole blasted in one of the large doors...

to get down you need to get on the big "thing" and jump down from level to level until you get to the bottom... any questions?

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