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Solution For People With Eax Problems!


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I just found something to be very very usefull! First off, cut and paste the openal file in your jediknight2 install directory, into some other location for safe keeping. Next head on over to http://www.openal.org and click the link to creatives dev site there, and download the lastest openal executable, and then install it, and then reboot, then your problems SHOULD be solved! PLayed for a very long time and no crashing!! W00t! Even sounds TONS better now!! Try it out, post back here if it works!

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Originally posted by Hekx Noxu

You should have EAX disabled. It can cause problems.

I believe the command is: seta s_UseOpenAL "0"

If you can't access the console, open up jk2mp.cfg (found in your base folder) and change the value there.

Hope this helps ;)

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EAX can only be used if your hardware supports it. I think only Audigys and Audigy 2s suppor it fully, SB Lives might as well.


The Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 Series does support EAX, not necessarily EAX HD, which is geared towards the audigy and audigy2.

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