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kick while down??


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the strangest thing ever. i recently started playin alot of ff sabz duelz instead of guns and i played someone who wasn't good, but did something really strange.


he dfaed me. which i surely thought he was gonna die. so i lunged him. but while still in dfa position, he side kicked me, and i fell. and i think u can do it if someone's in front of you. the kick animation didn't register, but it knocked me away like a kick. i know the server had no mods.

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It's a very common trick.

All you do is, while in the DFA pause phase, hold strafe left/right and mash jump.


Generally speaking, in full Force on a knock down, using a lunge on your prone opponent is not a wise idea unless they have no shields, low health, or are in light stance themselves.


Usually, the lunge gets blocked (the same way the 1.04 back sweep gets blocked when they are down) or the shields take the brunt of the damage and you get kicked as they pop up.


When knocked down, you more or lees have two types of people.

Those who push at you as you charge in and those who jump up quickly.


The lunge is effective on the last group. You simply charge in, hit the brakes at the last second (avoiding the kick as they pop up), and as they jump and are descending simply give them a lunge to land on. Most of the time when the lunge connects under them like this you score full damage.


As for a good follow up on a prone opponent, just toss a saber at them as you run in and kick off them when you get close. Give or take a few points, you are looking at a 50 damage follow up that way.

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Originally posted by Unnamed Jed1

Sanguis Frater FF-S/O (


Our clan server^



I was just about to ask you that...


Wait, why did you guys take it off the main channel? Different company...? I've had a bitchn' hard time finding it...

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Originally posted by Break_dF



I was just about to ask you that...


Wait, why did you guys take it off the main channel? Different company...? I've had a bitchn' hard time finding it...


Hmm.... nope, same company until 2/1/02 then I'm moving it to a cheaper host.


A lot of other clans have had servers not returning on master list queries as of late, no idea why.

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Get used to lame tricks/exploits/cheats whatever you want to call them, online players dont care about anything but winning the fight, so far the 3 most exploited tricks ive seen are the sidekick while in DFA recovery, pushing you away while they are stunned from a kick and on the ground, or shooting up in the air before kick stun time has worn off

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Originally posted by lllKyNeSlll

dude i do most of those all the time. i don't care.



nr_emp_reborn i got him to goto the sanguis frater server, . he told me that me beat u (unamed), break_dF, and crow in ffa and that u guys didn't compare to him in ffa. but he said u owned him in duelz



Well, I can't speak for the rest of my team but I've never played him in FFA.... I did, however, 'play' him in a few duels. Let me put it this way, our last duel lasted 11 seconds and I've never lost to him...

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Originally posted by lllKyNeSlll

dude i do most of those all the time. i don't care.



nr_emp_reborn i got him to goto the sanguis frater server, . he told me that me beat u (unamed), break_dF, and crow in ffa and that u guys didn't compare to him in ffa. but he said u owned him in duelz


Errr the only time our server has been on FFA setting in quite a while was yesterday night.


B, Crow and I were there but we and another guy were half way across the map by ourselves working on some stuff, we were not even playing with the 8 or so other guys in there...

So yeah I guess all of our 0 scores did technically mean we got beat...


We never really got the chance to have an actual duel, he and I just tried to find a clear spot and have a couple of fights, didn't last long though, everyone kept attacking us...:mad:


Skill wise, the guy is not bad, I give him his props.

Nice guy too.

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Originally posted by lllKyNeSlll

break i thought u said u own FotS fellowship of the saber. but the other day i aliased and i went in to a server with fots, and reborn was there with u and ewok, but fots won that one.


I have not been to FotS in over a week man.


I think b stopped by the other day and was just doing what we call the "Fellowship of the DFA" where you just hop around and DFA non-stop (it is kind of an inside joke and a little jab at the way they play).


The last time he and I were in there at the same time was around 2 months ago.

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Originally posted by griff38

Errr the only time our server has been on FFA setting in quite a while was yesterday night.




Are you 100% sure about that? I couldn't find the frater for several days and it was because it was in ffa instead of duel.


We did have voting enabled for a while so it may have been changed, but as for rcon changes by us to FFA, yeah.



I'm going to keep it on FFA for a while though.

Just to get a steady flow of traffic and give people a decent (ping) place to play and have fun.


People tend to dislike dueling us for some reason...

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Originally posted by Unnamed Jed1


I have not been to FotS in over a week man.


I think b stopped by the other day and was just doing what we call the "Fellowship of the DFA" where you just hop around and DFA non-stop (it is kind of an inside joke and a little jab at the way they play).


The last time he and I were in there at the same time was around 2 months ago.


Exactly kynes... I went in to screw around. You think some FF toy named Skaterdude could own me? I think not. The last time I actually played on their homosexual server I was kicked for 'scripting.' Did I mention that I also won by a margin of 20..? Even SF screws off sometimes, Kynes.



*edit* On a second note... why don't you give me your "alias," and also, I don't ever remember saying that I owned FotS... not to you anyway.

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ppl disklike dueling us for some reason

ppl dislike dueling the elite?


btw i suck at ffa. in duelz, i win alot. but in ffa newbie dfa ppl can get more points than me sometimes. and i realizt that sabers need to be used in ffa. since i almost never use the saber except for throwing in duels


since im one of those ctf gunners that saberists hate, i don't play ffa sabz. but i like ff sab duelz. since its not newbs who play it most of the time

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I respect the CTF gunners.


I played Quake 3 competitively and on ladders pretty much since it came out and I know gunning is a Hell of a lot more than just "rocket spamming".


Honestly, the saber stuff bores me to death.

It’s the Force based combat that I like.

It is really more like a fighting game, and much less like a standard “point and click” FPS.

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