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Making a mod, need either a coder or coding help! (preferably a coder!)


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I checked the help thread but i still cant open files and what not and it is really cofusing for me so i thought maybe someone would like to help me! I have the SDK and all that but i dont understand all this coding junk and files so my mod is going nowhere! My mod is called the "Conflict Mod" not being a coder i havent gotten far at all! All i have so far is an in game MP screen and new music for it, the music is the Emperor's Theme. Not much eh? :rolleyes: well i told u im not good! im good at modeling and skinning and that is what i can do! Some ideas of what i want in the mod are:


-Tck's saber colour (which i still cant find it its release .zip need help their!


-Jetpack Mod


-Weapon restrictions (light side people can only use weapons that were available to them in the movies and vice-versa)


-Faster Weapon shots for some guns


-New weapon damages


-New saber stances


-Saber hilt select (been done)


-Combinalbe force powers (been done)


Any other ideas u guys may have ill be more than happy to receive them! im pretty sure these things are possible and i dont know how complicated they are but im sure there are coders out there that could do it! :D Also u coders might also have ideas of your own if u help me out with this and u could do them if u ask me! ill give anybody that helps full credit for what they do!


If u are interested please contact me either here in this thread or PM me. If u would like ill post a pic of the new start-up screen but i didnt think anyone would care! :(:p

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well first of all learn C.


buy a big book like c for dummies and read it.


then start playing with the code.


don't excpect anyone to all do the work for you.


poeple here will gladly answer your questions, if they are accurate enought (questions about coding , not "I want Jetpack what should I do?"). (i don't want to be mean or something)


None of the modifications you want to do are really hard to code.


However i m pretty sure that no coder will want to do all the changes for you...

you'll have to do it by yourself :)


good luck

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I'll code for you if you want, provided that you have some other team members.


For example, a modeler, mapper, gfx designer...


I won't join a mod which will probably die. I'm willing to code for anyone that has a mod already on its feet, and need a coder.

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