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Stuck-Bespin undercity


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I passed through the red rings stage and now I am in the room with the 3 tunnels that you have to break the grates on to get into. I go through the one that takes you to the platform in large room and I am stuck. Am I missing something to push before entering or where do I go from there. I keep falling to my doom trying to jump places :) Can anyone help:(

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Thanks MadDoofer:D I finally got through that part. Now I am at the beggining of the next level and if I'm not dying by all the laser fire, the little R5 droid is getting blown up by the mines:mad: Stupid little droid. I will have to work on something for this part.


Thanks again for your help Mad:)

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it's may be less eloquent, but the secondary fire on the heavy repearter works great as well...and if you force run through the area...you can stay ahead of the R5 unit and akip dealing with the punks trying ti shoot at you... (who stations gaurds on a ledge like that anyways?)

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