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A mod idea

James Brophy

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i had an idea for a mod which would be rebels v imprials sorta like team ffa. It would need troopers then sqaud leaders then like 2 lieuteenants and 1 Jedi/Sith Master. You would need to make a few more moddles and differnet things because the troopers would have a certain amount of kills in a game to get a higher ranks and if you got a better score you could be promoted, or if you had a bad score you could get de-moted, and so on.There would need to be new maps as well. Troopers could use e11's squad leaders could use repeater rifles and liutenatnats could use flecthers, and finally Sith/Jedi could use sabers and you wouldnt end up having blue v red!


What do you think?


(i only made the idea i have no idea of how you make skins, moddles, maps or mods)

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