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fast killing?


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mm, perhaps he has played the game so much, and the people he played against were very new to the game, any experienced player will find it very easy to take out a newcomer.



mastering combinations / special moves etc will make it very easy to take out newbies.


try and learn all the moves for all the stances, learn to switch between them quickly and efficiently, and all the tactics associated with saber combat, and you too can be killing 5 guys in 2 minutes with any stance :D



click HERE for a decent guide to saber combat







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Your link didnt work Bilbo, I use gamefaq too though, very good site, as for learning techniques to playing, i reccomend reading some of the posts in the stickys at the top of the multiplayer strategy forum, somewhere in there i saw a link to a jedi academy website where they actually hold classes at certain times and dates to train players, I'm sure you could find someone who would be willing to take you on as a student, I dont know any links or if those trainers are worth a crap though, I have never used them, give it a try though

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It's possible for a yellow hit to deal 60 damage if you're very lucky and carve into an unprotected back, for example.


The yellow special can kill easily if the other guy is just a little below starting health, and it really depends on how much health his opponents had.


5 people in 2 min is no sweat for a good player.

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