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heres my problem: when i host my jk2dedicatedwin32 server i get alot of Hitch Warnings why is that?


info: p4,256mbram,1.8ghz,lits of disk space,runing server on the same machine as i connect to server. Basicaly i connect and run my server on the same machione.


thx in advance whoever helps me

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  • 2 weeks later...

I get hitch warnings to, but they dont effect gameplay if I am correct. Also you may end up getting Hunk Dropped, which I have no idea what that is, but it also kills the server and then you have to restart it. That happens to me when i Ban too many ppl. So now i just kick, and sleep, etc...


Besides Evil, I think you are always on my server. If you play by EvilFlame that is.. hehehe.. This is {Boss} Emporer :)

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