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As far as I recall, it's actually in the voxdisk2.bun (the bundle with the voices) not musdisk2.bun, but I'm not really sure. Maybe try and open the .bun in SCUMMRev3 and sort by block size (I THINK that's possible in the released version of SR3) to find the name of the block (it's probably the largest voice file if it IS in the voice bundle). Then decode the found block with SR2.


- Serge

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Just took some time to look for it and found it.


There are separate voices (without the music) in voxdisk2.bun, they are called "S9*.IMX"

The full song with music is in musdisk2.bun, it's called "2311-S~1.IMX"


Open with ScummRev 2, "Decomress to WAV", or "Play", and enjoy :)




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