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Should I play ProMod


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I am a moderate newbie to JKII. I played the entire SP about 6 months ago, but was a little frustrated in MP, since I would get pulled and backstabbed everytime. So I gave it up and have been addicted to Morrowind since. However, I am in the mood to have a lightsaber in my hand, so I have started playing a little on duel servers. I checked out the forum, and noticed the info on Promod. It seems like it would be cool.


So, should I play Promod.




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I happened to log on to one of those "basejk 1.04"-servers which in reality run the assfighting 1.03-version.


I can't blame anyone for quitting JO because of the 1.03-crap. The absurdity of the pull-backstab just....pisses me off. :mad:


(Please don't post any countering-tips. I know 'em all. And that is not the point.)


Promod makes the game worth playing, especially considering saberfights. One can play "Quake with glowsticks", but as it stands atm; Saber only 1.04 is quite boring. :(


Try Promod. You won't be going back to 1.04.

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Originally posted by Darth54

...but is the ProMod really good?


I mean, are there any cheap or overpowered hits?


Is it good? No, it's great! ProMod doesn't include cheap, overpowered hits. It's more about eliminating cheap hits.


You REALLY need to check it out for yourself. I also suggest you read up on it. ArtifeX has all that information at his website. You will find a link to it under "Got ProMod" below. At the website, kick "About ProMod". It explains everything.

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