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Star Wars Galaxies E3 footage release date announced!

Guest Sherack Nhar

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Guest Sherack Nhar

How's that for a title :)


Verant Interactive will release the quicktime movie of the SW:Galaxies footage that was shown at E3. They just gave us a date: tomorrow afternoon!


I can't wait!

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Guest Lord Tirion

I wouldnt get your hopes up about this game. You cant even be a stormtrooper, nor any other military rank such as a tie pilot or anything else for that matter. Jedi and Dark Jedi will be randomly picked out contrary to what they said. If you read the FAQ VERY CAREFULLY and have the slightest bit of intelligence, you will see them contradict themselves over and over. They strive for continuity yet break it every chance they get. Their biggest mistake was putting this game in a time frame during the movies. Again, if they strive for continuity like they always claim, why set it in that time frame while allowing jedi and dark jedi to roam about? Wasnt there only 3 Jedi and Vader and Palpatine around during that time? But they throw continuity in our faces when us the customers want to have some fun. We cant even be Jedi or Dark Jedi if we want to unless we fall into their "organic system" as they so put it. Honestly, I will be damned if I give them my money for a game that does not even let you be what you want through hard work. That is why I am looking forward to the new Star Wars game which will be even better than SWG called Knights of the Old Republic which centers around the Sith vs. Jedi wars 1000 years ago. You can even do all the same stuff you can in SWG and YOU DONT have to pay a monthly fee.

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Well, i'm definately looking forward to KOR, i wish that they would at least release a screen or something!


Still, Galaxies looks good too. Sure, i don't want to pay a fee to play, but if it is really good, it will be worth it for a couple months or so. Besides, if they let everyone be what they wanted, 7 out of 10 people would be Jedi. That would be even worse than not being what you wanted to be. Also, i think they are planning a military/space expansion pack.

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Guest Lord Tirion

A soldier, but NOT a stormtrooper.


As for everyone being a Jedi or Dark Jedi, that is false as well. I was one of the first posters ever there and Nexsis was the first PA ever formed for that game as well.


They conducted a poll asking who would want to be what and you know who won by a landslide?? Nope, not Jedi or Dark Jedi as so many of you assume, but SMUGGLERS. So that right there shoots down that notion of everybody wanting light sabers.

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Tirion how can you say what everyone will want to be???


a poll???


unless you get every person who will every play you can't know!!!


Why did you jump at tie for saying his opition!?


Sorry everyone but i really hate it when someone tries to say that their guess is the only right one, because untill the game is out you can't know.

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OK i just finished reading some of the faqs and here is what i think...


Where do you see that jedi/dark jedi will be pick at random???


From what i read they are going to play jedi the same way wizards tell gm to have their players make jedi pc in the empire era, which is that a pc must start as a different class and have to multi-class to become a jedi.


There is nothing in the story that says that untrained jedi aren't around during the empire, just that there are no trained jedi.


Also, there are a lot more dark jedi in the empire era that any other. The emperor had a lot of hands (mara jade) and they were all dark jedi.


Next why would you want to be a stormie in an rpg??? You really couldn't do anything but fight people you may not want to fight. You really couldn't go any where you want... How would that be anything like rpg???


Also Last i heard was that dark troopers were droids... I could be wrong about this but still if you were a dark trooper it would be wose that being a stormie, and you wouldn't get nearing as many places.

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Count the number of people who wants to be smugglers jedi.


The majority of people want to be light/dark jedi, no matter the job. You see that over and over on SWGalaxies' official board.


I read the posts there, I'm pretty well informed about that game (read: as much as I can). So far I've got very few complaints about the design. The PvP system is very clever, with very little loopholes left for grief play. The dynamic, player-driven economy is an interesting aspect of the game too.


The flaws I noticed so far are:

- The "evilness" of the Empire is questionnable. Aliens in the Imperial military? Umph.

- Yavin 4 sounds like a bad planet choice for the launch product. They shoud've chosen something more interesting, like Coruscant, Bothawui, Thyferra or - must have - Mon Calamari!


Anyway, the E3 demo will be nothing more than a demonstration of a glorified 3D engine. An engine that looks absolutely stunning, might I add.

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Guest Lord Tirion

Wraith you crack me up. I was Darth_Jeedian on those forums and I was in constant contact with Holocron during my time there. He even confirmed everything I said. You are the people that the swg devs count on for being drawn into a game with eye candy alone.


Have any of you been there since day 1 with all those polls they had asking who wanted to be what? NO. I know you have not been there because of the statements you just made. Smugglers had over a 40 percent advantage over any other character that people wanted to be.


And for your information, I did not jump on Tie Guy so you can step out of your false bravado shoes and stop jumping at me. I simply posted a message based on FACTS. I have had many conversations with the devs of SWG because we were the first PA out for their game and they thought our site was great when it was up. So please, before automatically trying to throw your weight in just to sound tough, read other people's posts carefully.


I have called everything with what was going to happen in that game saying that they werent going to tell us that space combat was not in the game until the screenshots were released and I was right. You want to know why they did that? Simple. They wanted to draw you in with eye candy going head over heals with graphics so that you wouldnt mind if space combat was delayed into an expansion pack and almost everybody fell hook line and sinker for it. And that is exactly what Holocron told me he would do.


If you guys want to spend 15 to 20 bucks a month to play a game that has restrictions coming out the wazoo saying who can be what and who cant, then by all means, its your money, do what you want. All I did was tell you my side of the story and you kids get all huffy and puffy.


Anyway, you kids wont know what I am talking about until you get into the game and realize that your hopes and envisions of the game were far grander than the game will actually be.


Darktroopers and Stormtroopers will always be npcs and nothing more. That has also been confirmed so for all you thinking you get to be one, please think again.

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I wouldn't want to be a stormie or a Smuggler or even a Jedi!!!


Bounty Hunting is the LIFE for me:D

You start out shoting up Computer players and once you get a good enough reputation you go after the LIVE ones:D

Now that is fun...Even better though!!! Bonty Hunter with Jedi POWERS!!!!! (I can dream can't I?)


You are the people that the swg devs count on for being drawn into a game with eye candy alone.


Don't insult my intelligence:mad:

I research games a TON before I buy!!! I didn't get FoCom because I researched it, I didn't get Battle for Naboo because I researched it. I did get X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter because I researched it. I did get AoK because I researched it. I AM a Star Wars nut!!! And I AM rational beleive it or NOT!!!:mad:


Oh yes and thanks for the KIDS REMARK:mad:


Darktroopers and Stormtroopers will always be npcs and nothing more. That has also been confirmed so for all you thinking you get to be one, please think again.


Don't be too sure about that. I have asked Lucasarts about that. They replied that it wasn't in the current game, but might be included in later expansions.

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Guest Lord Tirion

Im glad you do Fergie and thank you for also backing up my statement about people not wanting to be Dark Jedi/Jedi. Bounty Hunters finished second and Dark Jedi/Jedi finished third.

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Guest Lord Tirion

As for the Dark Troopers and Stormtroopers, IM POSTIVE. Holocron has already confirmed that people can not be them because it "breaks continuity" in that meaning that if people were them, they would be constantly going awol.

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Originally posted by Tirion *Nexsis*

As for the Dark Troopers and Stormtroopers, IM POSTIVE. Holocron has already confirmed that people can not be them because it "breaks continuity" in that meaning that if people were them, they would be constantly going awol.


I know about that!!! I contacted Lucasarts on the matter, BUT they said they were considering them for an Expansion Pac.


I didn't notice the bounty hunters were second though...maybe so tough competition there...


(I'm not saying that the game is stupid, just that its stupid that you have to pay that)

Ahhh, the one reason I NEVER got Everquest...

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Tirion, I would appreciate if you would be more conservative in your more connotative comments about the others' opinions.


The poll you constantly keep referring too, is only representative of the people who voted on it (doh). Which means, people who visit the site. Hardcore starwars or MMORPG fans.


You know, down-the-road-John guy won't really be interested in being the white guys who keep getting killed in the movies he saw. He'll want to be just like the heroes, like Luke Skywalker or Han Solo. He only remembers one line in the movie, and that's May the Force be with You. All he'll want to be is a Jedi Knight, because that's what he saw in the movies, because that's what was the coolest thing in the movies.


Those people will constituate the majority of the players in SWG's community, and these guys don't give a rat's ass about capital ships, Bothawui or Mon Calamaris. They want to be just like Darth Vader or Han Solo, "cuz they're the coolest".


The people who visit the official site are usually more informed about star wars than the casual gamer.

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I would let this die but i have just a few quick things to say...


First, i am sorry for saying you jumped at TIE, to me it sounded like you were if i am wrong, i am sorry.


Second, I didn't say that they will have stormies or dark troopers, i said they won't it would be stupid.


Third, Stop actting like the god of SWG, you aren't a dev and even the dev's can't say that this is what will happen because things can change.


Forth, I was giving my thoughts on how they would do jedi, I am a GM for SWRPG and know how d20 rules say to get pc into jedi classes during the rebillon era. I thought that SWG was going to rule on RPG rules, so i thought that could be an answer. If i am wrong so be it!


Last, Don't come in here and tell me i am full of sh*t unless you have more to back it up then "I am always right" and "I have been there since day 1" I can play the game very well and i will eat you alive if you come at me with arguments like that, kid.

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Originally posted by Clefo

Sadly a majority of people I know today are drawn strictly by eye candy.."


Coulnd't agree with oyu more Clefo. I know that i never by a game without reading at least one review or preview, and SW Galaxies will be no different. However, i think that the most appealing part of the game that sucks people is the aspect of being in the star wars universe. The graphics are part of that, but the gameplay is key. I don't want tpo play it coz it looks nice, i want to play it because i want to be in the Star Wars universe, and no other game yet has given you that. Sure, you might be able to fly a fighter that was in Star Wars, but you haven't been able to LIVE in it. I think that as soon as they announced the game, many many people were hooked, mopre so than when the screens were released.

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Guest Sherack Nhar

The movie's online, I watched it. I must say that it's very short... kinda disappointing, because of the low resolution and frame per second of the recording.


Aside from technical flaws, I must say that the game do indeed look impressive. The thing that strikes me the most is the Protocol Droid model! It absolutely stunning, with reflections and all that. The game is very early, you can tell right away, but it still looks good. They did not implement facial animation yet, so the Zabrak closeup was kinda bad.


All in all, it was pretty good, but I would have preferred a clarification of the battle system or jedi.

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Guest Lord Tirion

Whatever Wraith lol. Did that reply make you feel so big now that you can "eat me up'? lol I was respecting you all the way up until I reached that part of your reply but I guess you just showed me what you are truly about. As for a SWG God, thanks but not thanks. True, I DID back up everything I posted but I do not claim to be a dev or better than a dev. But thanks for comparing me to a God..

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Tirion i was about to ask you where the prof was for anything you said....


But then i read your post again and relised that you are just one of thouse people how can't keep up an argument with anything better then I am right and you are wrong.


I can also see now how you twisted the faq's to say everything you posted, you just twist everything you read.


untill you have more prof that what you are saying could be true... Goodbye



P.S. look for a pm form me soon!!!

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Guest Lord Tirion

Proof?? I just gave you proof. You are too blind to read?? Go read the past polls, go read comments from the devs, go read the FAQ!!


You are too busy blabbering about ME showing proof, you overlook that fact that it is YOU who does not show proof debunking what I say. So look in the mirror first before trying to cast falacies on other posters.


And dont threaten me Wraith. Grow up. I didnt see Fergie, Tie Guy or Sherack Nhar acting like a little kid with a bruised ego. They talked to me like adults, thus I have the utmost respect for them. So please dont try to come at me like you are some almight person.


Sending threatening pms is grounds enough for you to be booted from this forum, but I am not going to be whining to the mods about it because you are a kid and know no better.

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Look what i send you in a pm is private that is why they are called Private Masages, they are not to share with the fourm!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:


If what i sent you was ment to be read by the rest of the fourm i would have posted it!!!


I was tring to talk the argument we were having out of the fourm!!!


But if you want to at like a child that so be it (you call me a child and now you look to be the child)!!!


I did read the FAQ's!!!


No where does it say anything even close to that jedi will be randomly picked!!!


I will admit that i have not read the post, I do have a life and can't spend every moment online.


If there is something in there that say that, cool just show me where it is.


And just so you know, my problem is not that you think this is the way things are going to work, just that you keep saying that that is how things are going to work and everyone who says something different is wrong!!!


I could care less if jedi were picked randomly are not, I just don't like it when someone (you) comes up and say that i am wrong with out giving a reason!!!

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Guest Lord Tirion

Now your posts are all filled with contradictions.


Excuse me but did you see anywhere where I posted that PM you sent me? So calm down little man. In other words, it is ok if you can threaten me behind everybody's backs so they think of you as the righteous one as you hide your true self in pms attacking others, am I correct?


As for SWG, I think it is obvious that you have no clue as to what is going on in that game. If you want to have a debate about it, go to my forums at




and stop rekindling this garbage in this thread. All I did was express what I have learned about SWG in this post and you in turn turned this into a silly meaningless flame war just so you could try to show how big you are. The rest of the posters in this thread understand my point of views. But apparently you do not and you are not mature enough to let it drop or to stop acting like a ranting kid. So if you still find the need to flame, go to our forums and I will be happy to show you all the proof you need that you are not capable of finding for yourself.

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