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Star Wars Galaxies E3 footage release date announced!

Guest Sherack Nhar

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If you say the proof is on the fourms that i will go there when i get time.


I have never said that i know a lot about SWG.


All i did was say what i thought may be an option for jedi, and stick up for someone i thought you were talking down to. You said that you weren't talking down to TIE i belive you and said i was sorry.


You are the one who keeps telling me that i am wrong. And you know what?? I very well could be, again i have never said i know what will happen in the game, my thought the whole time is this: no one knows what will happen in the game untill it goes gold.


I sent you the pm that i did because i didn't think it needed to be on the fourm. I was tring to in effect take this outside. You are the one who would seem to want this to go on. I don't want to be in flaw wars, i don't like flaw wars. But i will not back down from a fight!!!


May problem is not with your view on things (unless you are twisted what i or others are saying!!!) it is just that you come off with an "I am right and you are wrong" attitude. I don't like people like that.


So i will come over to the SWG fourms and see what is there, if that is where you say you found this because i would like to see it.

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Guest Lord Tirion

I am glad you are finally starting to see eye to eye with me. I am not trying to say I am right and you are wrong, I was just simply relaying the black and white facts about the game. That was all.


I hope that this debate is now over and we can be friends because getting in fights with people does not gain you anything but rolling eye syndrom and headaches from bashing your head against your desk =)

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Guest Lord Tirion

Just read the FAQ on the starwarsgalaxies.com site. First they say in the forum that being a Jedi/DJ is not random. Then they say it will be determined by an organic system and not everybody can be one. CONTRADICTION RIGHT THERE.


Then they have a section saying that nobody can be a stormtrooper or darktrooper because it goes against continuity and role playing. Just read the FAQ. It is all there.

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Originally posted by Tirion *Nexsis*

Just read the FAQ on the starwarsgalaxies.com site


I said post a link because the SWG website is VERY exetensive and I don't want to read the ENITIRE thing just to find one little tidbit of info.

I'm Lazy arn't I:)


First they say in the forum that being a Jedi/DJ is not random. Then they say it will be determined by an organic system and not everybody can be one. CONTRADICTION RIGHT THERE.
Hmmmm...I just got an Idea about that...Okay their potential may be determined by the organic system (how high that person can go in the Jedi Tech tree)

Just a Thought...:)

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Guest Lord Tirion

Potential wasnt what they were referring too =) It was being force-sensitive that they were referring about. In other words, their "system" will determine who becomes a Jedi and who doesnt. I dunno how you guys feel about that, but that is a dictatorship type of game that I will be very glad NOT to give my money in which I work hard for. I think that most game developers are forgetting what games are suppose to be truly about... fun. All these developers want is to dictate what can and cant be done. That does not sound like fun to me. I dont mind paying monthly fees for a game that is fun and non-restrictive, but regarding this game, they can shove it =)

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Guest Lord Tirion

Here is a direct cut and paste from their FAQ. I hope this is the proof you guys wanted to see for yourselves regarding Stormtroopers and Dark Troopers:


3.10 Will there be Dark Troopers in the game and will I be able to play one?


We're still finalizing our art asset lists, but Dark Trooper is currently included as an NPC. You probably won't be able to play a Dark Trooper because they are such specialized units manufactured by the Empire (and, if you spent any time doing anything other than following the Empire's orders, you'd be AWOL).


3.11 Will I be able to become a stormtrooper?


Unfortunately, the constraints of the Imperial hierarchy prohibit us from allowing players to actually become stormtroopers in the initial launch product. Service in the Empire would be very difficult to enforce; if we did allow stormtroopers, players would constantly be AWOL as they explored other aspects of the game. Rest assured, however, that players will be able to serve the Empire in many other ways.

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Now guys, I'll be forced to lock down the thread if you keep at these little games. As far as I know, concerning Jedi they haven't even decided yet if there will be random picking, a complex system or if it's available to all players. They just said that Jedi status will be "hard to obtain" and that Jedi will be "very rare". That's ALL.


And I couldn't careless, because I have no interest of playing a Jedi or a stormtrooper.

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Guest Lord Tirion

You might not care, but what about the people who do? Just because it doesnt affect you, doesnt justify it. My point is why make a game with restrictions like that? If they strive for continuity like they boast, then why break it in the biggest way right of the bat by placing it in such a time frame?? Does that make sense??


We need Johnny Cochrane and the Chewbacca Defense!

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Originally posted by Tirion *Nexsis*

Here is a direct cut and paste from their FAQ. I hope this is the proof you guys wanted to see for yourselves regarding Stormtroopers and Dark Troopers:


3.10 Will there be Dark Troopers in the game and will I be able to play one?


We're still finalizing our art asset lists, but Dark Trooper is currently included as an NPC. You probably won't be able to play a Dark Trooper because they are such specialized units manufactured by the Empire (and, if you spent any time doing anything other than following the Empire's orders, you'd be AWOL).


3.11 Will I be able to become a stormtrooper?


Unfortunately, the constraints of the Imperial hierarchy prohibit us from allowing players to actually become stormtroopers in the initial launch product. Service in the Empire would be very difficult to enforce; if we did allow stormtroopers, players would constantly be AWOL as they explored other aspects of the game. Rest assured, however, that players will be able to serve the Empire in many other ways.


Hey can you post a Quote of the Random Jedi thing???

From SWG website please.:)

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Guest Sherack Nhar

It's not all here. They might leave the impression that they're leaning toward random picks, but it's still just interpretation of what they actually said.


If they let people choose to be a Jedi or not, with a nice 'n easy checkbox at the character creation screen, imagine the number of Jedi per servers! It wouldn't be the Star Wars Universe anymore.


And what do you mean, the timeframe? Why does it break continuity? They didn't include Alderaan - until they do, I don't see where the continuity is broken regarding the timeframe.


Besides, there's a difference between bending continuity and breaking it. Each time they bend it, it's for the sake of gameplay. And that's a worthy cause - it's only a game, after all!

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Guest Lord Tirion

"It's not all here. They might leave the impression that they're leaning toward random picks, but it's still just interpretation of what they actually said."


I really wish you could have seen the forums the day that Holocron announced that Dark Jedi and Jedi would be systematically obtained. The forum erupted with people arguing ove rit.


"If they let people choose to be a Jedi or not, with a nice 'n easy checkbox at the character creation screen, imagine the number of Jedi per servers! It wouldn't be the Star Wars Universe anymore."


Exactly. That is why you have to earn it through hard work, not given a check box or even systematically picked. I think you should have to focus on those skills and given some great time and dedication, the goal is reachable.


"And what do you mean, the timeframe? Why does it break continuity? They didn't include Alderaan - until they do, I don't see where the continuity is broken regarding the timeframe."


Let me put it this way. I assume you saw all the movies. How many Dark Jedi ever existed during that time? None. How many Jedi? 3 (Luke, Yoda, Obi-Wan). Now all of a sudden, they are saying that there can be plenty of Jedi all around. Dark Troopers.. Dark Troopers didnt even exist until 6 years after Return of the Jedi yet they exist in this game and according to the time frame when the game is suppose to exist (between ANH and ESB), here they are...



"Besides, there's a difference between bending continuity and breaking it. Each time they bend it, it's for the sake of gameplay. And that's a worthy cause - it's only a game, after all!"


If its only a game, then why take away what the CUSTOMERS want the most??? Thats exactly what I was striving and thank you for just highlighting that fact for me =)

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Guest Sherack Nhar
Originally posted by Tirion *Nexsis*

I really wish you could have seen the forums the day that Holocron announced that Dark Jedi and Jedi would be systematically obtained. The forum erupted with people arguing ove rit.

I was there. And, as they said countless times, the jedi system is not finalized yet.

Exactly. That is why you have to earn it through hard work, not given a check box or even systematically picked. I think you should have to focus on those skills and given some great time and dedication, the goal is reachable.

Well, they said that it would be hard work. In fact, looking at the latest posts from the devs, it seems that they are leaning more to a system that's less inclined for random picking. But again, it's not finalized - it could be something entirely different that none of us would've thought of, like the PvP system.

Let me put it this way. I assume you saw all the movies. How many Dark Jedi ever existed during that time? None. How many Jedi? 3 (Luke, Yoda, Obi-Wan). Now all of a sudden, they are saying that there can be plenty of Jedi all around. Dark Troopers.. Dark Troopers didnt even exist until 6 years after Return of the Jedi yet they exist in this game and according to the time frame when the game is suppose to exist (between ANH and ESB), here they are...

Well, it's a perfect example of bending continuity for the sake of gameplay. Let's face it; none of us want to have a world filled with Jedi (it would break continuity) but on the other hand, having a Star Wars universe without the possibility to become a Jedi would be unacceptable, and many people just wouldn't buy the game because of that. Neither of those two eventualities are acceptable. Thus, with that in mind, the devs are simply trying to find a balance: you CAN be a Jedi, but it's rare and extremely hard! It's a perfect balance so far, because details are still to be worked out.


As for the Dark Trooper thing, you might be right; I never played the original Dark Forces, so I didn't know. Anyway, it's a small detail, nothing that'll cause an uproar in the Star Wars community :D

If its only a game, then why take away what the CUSTOMERS want the most??? Thats exactly what I was striving and thank you for just highlighting that fact for me =)

They won't take it away, they'll limit it for the sake of continuity. Following the same logic, they won't break the continuity, just bend it for the sake of gameplay.


It's all about balance! Have an Ex! :D

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Guest Lord Tirion

If you were there then you should remember me as Darth_Jeedian. I was the one who lead that protest vs. Holocron about the system and how he was talking us for fools if we were to believe everything he was feeding us word for word. If you do remember me, then surely you must have heard of Nexsis because it was the most popular PA at that time before we all decided to pull out becasue quite frankly, we were getting sick and tired of the devs blowing smoke up our arses. Did you also know that I was banned from that forum simply because I disagreed with Holocron about his ideas?? I bet they did not tell anybody that. I did not even curse or act rudely. I had an intelligent debate with him and after I pulled out and left the game, he banned me for spite and I got a nice rude email from them as well which I still kicked myself in the arse for not keeping because I would have loved to show you what they said about a customer. These are the type of people we want to give our money?? Not for me or the rest of Nexsis.


If my debate and plenty of ideas I gave to Holocron actually finally sunk in to his stubborn head, than I am happy for you guys. But I will still not get that game because of that email I received and the fact they banned me just for spite. That was really a no class move on their part.

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Originally posted by Tirion *Nexsis*

I had an intelligent debate with him and after I pulled out and left the game.


Like this one huh? Not to barge in on you guys, but i think we've all heard the facts mulitple times, and that this debate isn't about SWG anymore, it is about who is right. You can argue with me about it all you want tirion, or sherack, but its the truth. I have the luxury of an outside position on this one. Of course, its your decision sherack, but if i were you i would close this thread, there is nothing more to be learned.

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Guest Lord Tirion



Why close this thread? We are having a good talk with one another. People are so quick to assume everybody is flaming or bad things are happening... It is like a bandwagon people jump on or something.


Sherack and myself are having a good talk about SWG. Just because you fail to see that does not mean thats not the case. We are talking about a game that we were/are involved with. I never understand why others have to jump in and label these posts "bad". If you for whatever reason get offended over people talking about black and whites of a game, then just dont read it. You dont have to ask somebody to close a thread just because you dont want to read it. Wraith and myself see eye to eye. It is not like there is any flaming going on at this point. So why try to create a bandwagon?


A confused Tirion..

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Guest Sherack Nhar

It's okay, Tie Guy. We're not flaming each other, and we're constantly bringing new points instead of arguing over the same ones.


I won't close this thread yet - no one has given their impressions of the movie yet!! Come on guys, aren't you at least remotely interested in the game? Download it!

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Originally posted by Tirion *Nexsis*



Why close this thread? We are having a good talk with one another. People are so quick to assume everybody is flaming or bad things are happening... It is like a bandwagon people jump on or something.


Sherack and myself are having a good talk about SWG. Just because you fail to see that does not mean thats not the case. We are talking about a game that we were/are involved with. I never understand why others have to jump in and label these posts "bad". If you for whatever reason get offended over people talking about black and whites of a game, then just dont read it. You dont have to ask somebody to close a thread just because you dont want to read it. Wraith and myself see eye to eye. It is not like there is any flaming going on at this point. So why try to create a bandwagon?


A confused Tirion..


I think you've misread my post. I said nothing about not having a good debate, and about this being a flame war. I did however, say that this is not helping anyone accomplish anything. We have this thing here on these boards where we always try to add helpfull things about the topics. Belive me "I have been here since day 1." Ok, so it was day 2, but still, in the beginning we had alot of debates like this, (namely between me and Paragon Leon), but then we realized that we accomplished nothing in doing that, and that we can each share our opinions without fighting over it. If you have one opinion, share, if wraith or sherack has another, then he can share, and both people must accept them as what they are, opinions. In a game this far away, even the developers can't say exactly how everything will work. So, each of you let it go, and accept that the other might be right, but that we honestly won't know till the games come out, or at least till it is much closer to release.


And don't get on me about being wrong or something now, i'm simply trying to stop a pointless debate. These debates don'

t bring about a "community," which are what a message board should have. Like i said, if you have an opinion, state, but don't get mad at others having a different one, thats how opinions work.


BTW, if this is your definition of a "good talk" i never want to see you get angry. ;)


It's okay, Tie Guy. We're not flaming each other, and we're constantly bringing new points instead of arguing over the same ones.


I won't close this thread yet - no one has given their impressions of the movie yet!! Come on guys, aren't you at least remotely interested in the game? Download it!


I didn't mean to actually close the thread, i just wanted you to realize what you two were doing. You may see it as a "good talk" but if you look at it from my perspective (the way everyone else on the forum does), it sure doesn't look that way. You guys have gone over the same points multiple times, maybe adding a few, and then arguing over those for a while about what the developers said and who was there first and so on. So, if you want to talk, i think it would be much helpful to interested people if you didn't go about arguing things. Thats my true point, people who like SWG are gonna read this thread, and instead of finding two opinions, they are gonna find two guys arguing.


BTW, i never said anything about flaming, did i.

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Guest Lord Tirion

I always thought forums were for just this.. debating and sharing thoughts on matters. Nothing rash is being said to one another so why worry about being a big brother to us? =P It is posts like this that bring up other points as well. Yes, some of the posts were about opinions, but most of my posts were about facts that were etched in the FAQ. True they might change, but for now, they are not. So they become a fact until changed otherwise. That is all I am saying =) If people are going to restrict how you post, then forums and people's opinions become compromised and that makes them obsolete. I hope you see where I am coming from.

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