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Star Wars Galaxies E3 footage release date announced!

Guest Sherack Nhar

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Originally posted by Tirion *Nexsis*

I always thought forums were for just this.. debating and sharing thoughts on matters.


Well, your half right, message boards, these message boards at least, are about sharing thoughts, not about having long, drawn out, pointless debates. These things don't bring out great new points, how many times have you guys talked about jedi being, the whole time. Those aren't new points, they are the same, but are said in a way to prove the other person wrong. But neither of you know for sure, so there is no need to debate, only to share.


Ok, enough of that....


I just saw the movie, and it is awfully short. Sure, it looks nice, but it doesn't really show alot of gameplay or anything. Also, all the scenes are cut off, so you can't get a sense of gameplay, it is just like a couple of moving screenshots put together IMO.

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Well as I said, it's nothing more than a glorified 3D engine. But if you look at the latest post from BoShek, he says they're really beginning to bring that world to life. It's pretty interesting - short, and informative.

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Nah, they didn't show everything that was at E3, that's for sure. I heard the showing was about 2-3 minutes there, complemented with a nice speech of course.

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Okay, let's not go over there again... it's just not your cup of tea, it's fine by me. There's no way in hell I'd playa game that's not my cup of tea (especially if there's a monthly fee...)

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Guest Lord Tirion



Speaking of Star Wars... you guys interested in joining the Nexsis tourny when SWGB first comes out? If you dont have a team its no biggie, we will set teams up to they are fair and we all have some fun.


I was even thinking of making a chart on the Nexsis site and have all the people playing a certain civ team together and at the end of all the smoke through many games and battles, we will see which team (civ) was victorious and awards will be handed out and such. Again, this will just be for fun and not ribbing a person who you beat so to say =P

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i still say the best way to handle player class and MMRPG (hmmm that doesnt look right....eh...) is instead of making them say "i think i'll be a jedi smuggeler" make them train to be a jedi.....but they better be good to the common man other wise they will turn into "dark jedi"....if they want to be a bounty hunter....then they better get some top notch weapon systems and a cool space ship....and depending on what type of "jobs" you do, how often, and how many......will determin your rank......


you could then also make things more difficult to do than others......


A)to become a jedi knight you have to do the following: 3 pages of objectives....


B)to become a smuggaler you have to: find something to smuggle then smuggle it :D


this is coming from a cluless MMRPG guy though........so i should proberly shutup......... :D

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Guest Sherack Nhar

It sounds good. If they go that way, I'd like them to set up the objectives so that it takes 6 to 12 months to officially become a simple Jedi Knight.


That way, only the hardcore players could become one, so there wouldn't be that much Jedi running around.


However, that also bring another problem: Casual gamers wouldn't have access to the Jedi rank. I think it's a fair trade though - to become a Jedi, you must be very dedicated, just like in the movies, so it doesn't break or even bend continuity.


I think it's the best way to go.

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