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LFJA Recruiting

Dath Maximus

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Hello all, a few of you probably know me.


Well anywho, we the Lucas Forum Jedi Academy, are looking for new recruits, we have a master padawan system so you will be paired with someone good. We are a clan whos mission is to have fun. We arnt obbesessed with clan wars and stuff. We are not looking for people who are gonna join and just leave and not do anything.


If you would like to join please either leave a message here or PM me or Obi-wan 13 telling us about yourself, what kind of weapons you use and such. We are not country based, we have members from all different places, American, UK, Belgium, ect.


I look forward to doing business with you.



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  • 3 weeks later...

.....and come have some fun!!!!!!!



I use bots with guns to hone my lightsaber and force skills, but I could use a skilled human master.


Well, I've taken some time, and now, I bid you adieu (adieu meaning good-bye)


A real pleasure doing business with you, Dath Maximus.

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