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Either im just stupid... but have been surfing around for days and havnt been able to find any useful resources for coding mods for jk2... lots of skinning tutorials and mapmaking pages thou =)


What im looking for is first some info on how to get started. Preferably without m$VC++ =)

Then i would like some descent coding resources...

(long time since i coded C/C++)

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Originally posted by zarck

Either im just stupid... but have been surfing around for days and havnt been able to find any useful resources for coding mods for jk2... lots of skinning tutorials and mapmaking pages thou =)


What im looking for is first some info on how to get started. Preferably without m$VC++ =)

Then i would like some descent coding resources...


Well, there's no way around the C issue, since the JKII source is entirely in C, but you can use whatever IDE you want. You could even use Notepad if you're adventurous. ;) There are instructions floating around on the net about how to use Borland's compiler, or you could just use the included batch files for builds.


So, it's really up to you. Aside from Microsoft's political/economic tactics and agendas, I think the Visual Studio editor rocks as an IDE, and I highly recommend at least giving it a try. But that's just my opinion. Use whatever development environment you feel comfortable with. They're all glorified text editors anyway.


I usually will do my compiles with the batch files however, since it will compile the .qvm virtual machines using id's compiler and linker.


(long time since i coded C/C++)


I'm in a similiar situation - I haven't used C for quite some time, but I'm trying to come up to speed on the JKII engine and C Syntax in general. Check out the sticky thread regarding available resources on the Web at the top of this forum, entitled Stuck: *README* Resources & Help


The tutorials on Code3Arena are pretty good at getting started with the Quake III Arena engine, from which JKII is derived.


Hope this Helps!



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I was using MSVC++ 6, but I was annoyed with it's lack of straightforwardness, so I searched around for a better IDE.


Try http://syn.sourceforge.net and let the compilers that come with the source do your compiling and error checking.


It's easier to set up the project files with syn also, and it has a few neat features that are either not present in MS IDE's or not on by default. I mainly enjoy being able to see scope easier, because that's my main problem.

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