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mp player limit question


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bah, youre talking to a guy who has no sense of reality, what do i care of hardware limitations?


im learning c just to make this mod, how dumb does that make me? way i figure it, this mod is gonna take at least a year to make. but im breaking it up into a series of minimods to make it easier for me (at least thats what im telling myself, so dont disabuse me of my illusions if theyre wrong please :).

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hey good tip on doxygen there, id heard of it but didnt know it was open source. any tips on using it? did you use the gui frontends or just go vanilla? any snags i should look for?


and btw, i guarantee im dumber than you hehe, i dont have any programming experience whatsoever =P

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Originally posted by wudan

I went vanilla, but I modified the cascading style sheet heavily.


It's usefull, and it's not :(, because quake3 qvm programming uses some crazy quake3 engine specific stuff that doxygen wanted to document.




Now that's sweet!!!!


Looks like an awesome utility.


I always have my laptop around, so I can usually peek at the JKII (or other MOD) source anytime, but that looks really useful - being able to get at your source from a browser wherever you are.




BTW, where might I find out more about Doxygene?

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Apparently, if I knew enough about qvm programming, I could make it so it doesn't try to think it has to link up qtrue and other qvm specific things. Those pages it generates are big (some over 1 Meg, which is big for an html file), and not very usefull. What is useful is the code with lines listed next to it. If Raven wants me to take it down, I surely will, of course, I'd like to be clued in about animation in exchange, which *will not* happen, and I don't think they will care if I have it posted, because it's not technically the source anymore, with the line numbers. It's been heavily altered.


Well, also, when I'm using my IDE and I screw something up, it's good to have the original source with me to fix it up rather than restore from backup.

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