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1v1 Lazarous vs Nutritious Video!


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Yes, it's an amazing thing, but I finally finished the first match of me vs laz during the lazarous challenge. It took so long to release because of the numerous things that went wrong from the day I began making it. I had a finished version day before yesterday, but instead of releasing it I remade it for better video quality and file size... anyway


EDIT: Here's the exact fileplanet link to the video.




You'll need the most current version of divx codec which you can get at http://www.divx.com to view this video.


It should be up within an hour of this post. A few notes I'd like to add about the video. It's a big file, about 160 megs, because the match was pretty lengthly making the video about 9 minutes long. I fast forwarded through a middle section in which not much combat was going on to help this out. Also notice the message on Laz's side about mind trick on. I added this because it was hard to tell when he was using mind trick so everyone won't be making fun of my constant shooting at thin air :confused: .


An important thing to also know is that windows media player did not like to play the video at full screen mode. (I think it has to do with the split screens or something) It keeps playing the video really slow and then skipping ahead to catch up so it doesn't end up playing very well in wmp. I had a lot better luck with the divx alpha 2.0 player as the video doesn't mess up. I'd recommend watching it with this player instead. You can get that also on http://www.divx.com.


If you absolutely can't get it from fileplanet I have an alternate link, but I'd ask that it not be used too much because it is a friend of mine's webspace:




You'll have to right click the link and do save target as.


Hope you guys enjoy watching it, a lot of work went into getting these 2 videos in sync and still keeping the video quality good. Let me know what you think.


P.S. I'm leaving out of town today so I may not be able to check back to respond. Talk to Moradivh if you have any questions and he may be able to help.

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TK_Nutritious says "it was hard to tell when he was using mind trick so everyone won't be making fun of my constant shooting at thin air"



I won't make fun of you, after being evaperrated in mid-air while you were in mid air 2 or 3 times.



I have decided you TK_Nutritious are a very VERY good shot.


It takes a brass pair to go to sniper mode when a saberguy is running towards you from about 2 or 3 feet away.



I still have not been able to get any of your videos, (still trying) so in addition to them how about making the demo file available for d-load also?

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well i'm dloadin it right now, sry had to use shinyiu's site.. (thats bf_shinyiu right?) cos fileplanet doesnt agree with me! never in 6 months have i ever got a file from that damned site.. anyway...


i know how hard it can be making a vid, it took me about 30 mins to make a 20 second avi for jk2!


ill post an updats once ive viewed this, in about 30 mins i guess. :D




[edit] Ok, it was a little longer than 30 minutes, but i was on the phone to my girlfriend of 1 year, and she dumped me, so yeah, thats great.. on to your video, through the tears i could see this was well produced, good idea with the split screen, and good soundtrack, I knew a saberist couldnt compete with a gunner (well not up to your level anyway :p). Well done. :) some ace shots in there too, and the kills he got on you were lucky rather than over-powering. go gunners. :D







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It takes a brass pair to go to sniper mode when a saberguy is running towards you from about 2 or 3 feet away.


Not to play down Nutritious' skills, but when I played Lazarous, the majority of my kills were with the bryar or disruptor at close range. Its a risky approach, but its also A LOT harder to anticipate.


Anywho, only a couple of weeks till i'm back on broadband getting the occasional bryar kill on Nutritious :)

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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ

Not to play down Nutritious' skills, but when I played Lazarous, the majority of my kills were with the bryar or disruptor at close range. Its a risky approach, but its also A LOT harder to anticipate.


Anywho, only a couple of weeks till i'm back on broadband getting the occasional bryar kill on Nutritious :)


I pretty much know all of the saber community (except for those dirty Germans and their damned dirty servers), but, who's the best gunner? Buffeh? Nutritious? I'd like to go spectate them sometime to see what it's all about ;).

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