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Galactic Federation!!!

Sean Offer

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I am the Chancellor of the Galactic Federation. I am currently building this PA to be a very powerful and great association. However, I cannot do this alone. I am looking for a dedicated person to be my right-hand man in building and running this PA. I need someone that is knowledgeable in the Star Wars world, will be online a lot, is good with organizing a group and structure, is great with web design, knows how to recruit, and is willing to be very committed to this PA. This PA, the Galactic Federation, needs much design and structure; we are open to all professions and species. We are hoping to be the center of much attention in the Star Wars Galaxy. Many, many decisions need to be made about this PA, and I need someone to help me make those decisions. As my right-hand man, the person would be second-in-command of the PA. If you feel you are interested or might know somebody that could be interested, please let me know. Also, if you would like to join the Galactic Federation, but do not wish to apply to be my second-in-command, please let me know of that as well. I am online all the time, so please feel free to contact me by e-mail (SophusDominus@hotmail.com), MSN Messenger (SophusDominus@hotmail.com), or AIM (SophusDominus). Thank you so much for your time. Hope to talk to you soon.


Sophus Dominus

Galactic Federation, Chancellor

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Welcome to



Hi im Wraith 8 your local Moderator.

Please Read this before you post!

If you have any problems what so ever, send a Private Message to me.


Here you have your welcome gift to the forums :D:

*gives a large box full of Chocolate Gnorts*


How big is your PA currently?

well i have some questions about your PA actually :D

How big is it

where do you plan on starting? (wich planet)

Wich server.

well.. thats about it :p


I hope to see you around more :D


C ya


-Wraith 8-

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Originally posted by Ascari

OnDo not eat the gnorts!!!

They are hazardous to your health!




On a more serious note:


Welcome to the forums!


May you find your right-hand here !

do not listen to ceryain members :D they are a little to overfed with Gnorts... they get dilusional :D:p
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