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Web Designer Needed

Sean Offer

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Hello, I am the Chancellor of the Galactic Federation. I am looking for a programmer to join my PA and build the PA's website. The site must be written in php. Therefore, the only requirements are that you know php and are willing to take some time and be dedicated to the Galactic Federation's website. I realize that this task requires a lot of time and work, so here is what the programmer will receive in return. The person will be very high status in the Galactic Federation; they will have very much say in important issues. There are also other benefits that go without saying. If anyone is interested or would like anymore information, please contact me by e-mail (SophusDominus@hotmail.com), MSN Messanger (SophusDominus@hotmail.com), or AIM (SophusDominus). Please respond to this only if you are serious about it and know php very well. Thanks so much.


Sophus Dominus

Galactic Federation, Chancellor

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