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Robe Problem

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I started a skin for my clan with the Qui-Gon Jinn model.I modified the robe to be all black,then i tested my skin in-game and one of my clan member saw that the inside of the robe was invisible,you could see trough.I tried puting ep1_obi's sithrobe but it did the same thing :confused:


I put the default robe and the inside wasnt invisible..Maybe its just the color but ep1_obi's sithrobe doesnt do that....I need help.







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4 times?

I created a thread then it wouldnt finish laoding so i refreshed and i pressed th submit button again ...

Scout maybe your right but why ep1_obi's sithrobe works ?i took its robe and put for the Qui-Gon model but it didnt work?

Wierd...Ill try your advice Scout Thanks


<edit>BTW whats that Point count?How do you get points?

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