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model makers look!


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I have seen those new models of Qui-Gon,Mace Windu,Obi-Wan,and Yarel Poof.I wanted too ask those guys who made those too make an anakin because there are tons of anakin fans out there.Ofcourse im talking about the episode 2 anakin.I would really appreciate it if u make him with that new stuff.And can u make a single player model with that stuff?

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spade_431.......do you play online? multiplayer? And do you have the EP1 Obi skin made by Driving Cat studios installed (the new obi made by the same people that made Qui-Gon & Mace).

If 'yes' then while in a game type this in the 'console' (to access console press the 'shift' key and '~' key *button left of 1* ) and type this in



model ep1_obi/anakin


you'll get what you asked for, you can also type this...



model ep1_obi/green



....to get a different skin.




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