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the death of gb


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the zone simply isnt well kept.


it's not well moderated or policed.


it's also not separated well. there are no intermediate, rookie, or expert rooms which there should be. everyone goes into CC1 for the chat feature because that's where the most people are. that's it. it's sad, but that's it. that's the only reason everyone is in CC1. if they had a separate chat room from the individual game rooms things would be different.

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why is the zone at fault? What other multiplayer site would you say works better? i know gamespy doesnt and swgb is there but not too popular. i say zone i fine. everyone is happy that there is not too much policing. ppl like being able to cuss. i mean why not let them do it in the rooms if they can do it in the game?

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This subject has been discussed so many times it's just not funny, but I'll post here anyway. :rolleyes:


The Zone is not good. The Zone is incredibly at fault. Practically any MP site you could name works better.

I haven't been on the Zone for a while, but I think it's fair to say that there are far more spammers, people who lock others out of rooms, and so on than actual people who want to play MP, scenarios or not.


The people who are happy that there's no policing are those who would normally be far, far away or getting constantly booted! Sure, thieves are happy when there are no security cameras, but that doesn't mean we should take security cameras away.

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look corrensec the zone isnt that bad. i know this because i was a HEAVY zone user during the summer. not many people get locked out for unlegitimate reasons. You see locked rooms for clan meetings and private games most of the time. although i must admit i do see people using game rooms as chat rooms. I dont understand why you say the zone has spam. what do you consider spam? usaully you see people posting advertisments for their rooms so people come quicker and i think thats much faster than searching through the rooms. please actually go and see whats happening there before you critisize.

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SE Vader, you have no clue if you think the zone is fine...

the zone is crap.


and can you post any more useless CRAP on these boards than you already are? It's an eye sore to see you with 50 posts a day and to always have your name as the last one on every thread.


Yet another reason to lose those friggin' points... FAST.

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Zone is kinda crap they have thise M+ but all they do is let there friends cuss all they like and gag the others for just posting advertisments.


And the people r out of control and letting them cuss is stupid some people really get hurt and never return because of the racial comments and clans against other religions that is being created.


God damn i sound like a politician.

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  • 2 weeks later...

playing direct with a friend, that is someone you actually know, is the most enjoyable way---provided you set it up, it doesn't take as long as zone. But there are it's obvious limitations.


i don't like gamespy, just have lots of technical problems with it (for me).


Theres enough players still on gb/cc, and still some to play a standard game with. although there are enough standards, most are horribly specific. I wish there were general games, no noobs only or inters+ only, many rooks consider themselves inters, and inters noobs (so they can slaughter them in game).


Then there are the times i was booted because the host didn't know me (there's a lock feature of course).


I'm not sure what my point is. Maybe, -general games often get more players and --we should be a little grateful we have the ability, or at least potential to play something like this (some of our parents played with sticks and rocks, or so they claim).

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