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emi memories

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although i think some1 already did this a while ago, this one was inspired in feral's topic about the harbor 2 years ago.


so, wots your earliest forum memory?


i remember us frying carabean pete's arse


b4 that, i remember that topic natty wrote about ppl wanting to marry her through internet and stuff...


hum... seems like i cant remember anything earlier


no, wait, even earlier, i remeber those useless topics in strategy/hint, if ppl liked efmi, and we would get hundreds of replys saying "yeah!" "it rocked" and stuff...


well, my first forum memory is the day Al brought me into emi forums and ppl though i was Al, and then i said me and Al were the same person, and he was so pissed, hehe. oh and then some ppl started acusing some other dude (dont remember his name, if anyone does, plz remind me) of being the same person as al, and he got even more pissed then al, lol... ah, good old times

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I joined here with a question about MI, answered by Kid and Grannen, that's why in the beginning I looked up to them...


I think my first real memory of the harbor is a discussion I had with...what-is-his-name...king-something-something...I think he got banned...he said EMI sucked, I disagreed...

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i remember when people used to double post by accident. ah, we'll never see those times again. :D


but my earliest forum memory, well that would hjave to be coming here and posting a "hey everyone, come and chat to me) or something like that because i was naive and expected someone to say something in like ten minutes. i think Niko, Natty and someone else put me right. :)


btw, you can see you'r forum history somewhere on the user CP page if you want to, you can actually see you'r very first post. i tink mine was just me helping someone on hints and tips page because i'd just finished escapemi :)

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Originally posted by Al-back from the BigWhoop

i hope u werent one of those arses that posted topics like ":cool: ive finished the game!!! ask me anything!"



ps- back then the : cool : smile ddnt look like a blind guy :D


**looks around sheepishly**


um... no.:p


hey, i remeber that smiley, it was a lot better, ask one of the admin to bring it back.


but i do remember i started a very good thread about the whole herman toothrot plothole in mi discussion. it went on for ages. i'll bring it back if you guys want me to.

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