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Changing your model?


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How do you change your model/skin ingame? I mean like from a key binding, not the menu.


I got "model yoda" to work once, but never again. I think it was in a FFA game...can you not change your model in a team game?


Also, I'm trying to do this while playing OmniMod, if that makes a difference.

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perin: because I want to quickly cycle between models with a keypress. And because picking my favorite model manually is a pain. :)


$am: but as I said in my first post, I already tried this method, and it does not work when I'm playing a team game of OmniMod (which is 99% of my games). I don't know if it's an issue with the mod, or with team games, but I figured someone here would know.

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It won't work because the bind is for the default model and when you are on a team you need to pick the team color version of that model


Lets say for example monmothma is your fav model (I'm a riot)


bind [key] model monmothma/default

bind [key] model monmothma/red

bind [key] model monmothma/blue


are what you need. if you are running out of keys you could do a vstr bind such as:


set myfavmodel "model monmothma/default; set mymodel vstr myfavmodel2"

set myfavmodel2 "model monmothma/red; set mymodel vstr myfavmodel3"

set myfavmodel3 "model monmothma/blue; set mymodel vstr myfavmodel"

set mymodel vstr myfavmodel


bind [key] vstr mymodel



this would cycle through the three defaulr/red/blue models every time you press the same key.

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Thanks, for the reply, ksk h2o. However, I have found another solution.


There is a different command for team games: "team_model". Use it instead of "model" for any team game. Also, using the skin "default" will work whether you're red or blue.


So here is my binding that works in any kind of game, team or otherwise:


bind F4 "team_model Vader/default; model Vader/default"


In a FFA he'll be a standard Vader, while in a team game (CTF or whatever) he'll be the appropriate color for his team.


You can also, of course, add commands to the binding to select the hilt(s) you want, change force powers, change your name, your saber color, etc.


I'm going to set mine up using a script so that my bound key cycles through several of my favorite models. That way I can easily change when I get tired of one. Hit the key once and I'm Vader with his hilt and a red saber. Hit it again and I'm Yoda with his hilt and a green saber. Etc. Nice and easy.


BTW the place I finally found how to do this was a binding article on the ICOP clan's website. Thanks ICOP!

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