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renewable objects??


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I just plain dont see the point. I'm a realism mapper, so to speak - I like my maps to reflect, in some way, reality. And having a glass panel, or a rock, or some OTHEr object suddenly reassemble itself after I took all that time and effort to dismember it into it's componant pixels would just be really irritating.


So, again... what would be the point of this? What would it add to the gameplay experiance?

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i was thinking of doing the same thing, i agree with you Shadriss, i to also like a "reaity" type map. not to outragious. but they way i wanted to use it was for a few secrets around my map. like making a exaustshaft that had a small grate cover that could be cut to reveal a secret room. but i dont want it to be givin away so when new ppl hop on the server they dont know where it is until they find it. so any thoughs on this and how to do it?

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OK, I like a 'realistic' approach too...but that said...


I want to be able to respawn entities (like a reborn)


I can set one to spawn on a trigger, but the trigger will only spawn a finite number of them.


I want one to spawn each time I open a door...better if it doesn't spawn until the first is gone, but that is the issue.


Like the lightsaber trainer in Jedi Knight 1, as another example.

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I've never done any spawning for maps yet, though thats just a matter of time, ,as I finally am working SP maps.


As for thegrate, why not use a fast moving func_door set to be triggered from a trigger_multiple that is set REALLY close the grate, so it wont open unless you are literally on top of it? You wont gbet chunck flying, but I think is't a reasonabe alternative.

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Ok, here is the point to this post, and my post about the target_Remove_powerups...



I'm creating a series of maps geared for jedi-training that I'm incorporating into 1 larger map for an MP server. If I can respawn breakable objects, then the map doesn't have to change and I can have about 8 cool things that look really ghetto that they dont break, and if there was a way to make the respawn it would be a whole lot cooler, so people can repeat the training simulators without having the map need to be restarted every time something was broken.


The target_remove_powerups, was my hope into using this training system with the Holocron FFA, so that people can only use the holocrons that are in each training room, and not bring some force powers from in from other rooms.


If there is any way to have someone loose their holocrons, after they teleport, or some other way to trigger them to be dropped and disapear, please let me know :)

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