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replacing npcs

MASTER Siggeman

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I know how to replace npcs, but I've been trying to replace the different reborns and it doesn't seem to work. Either nothing changes at all or i get the model but the surface has been really screwed up. I think it might have to do with the folder name.


/models/players/(model to replace)


So does anyone know the correct name for the different folder/s??? :confused:

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when i replace an npc, i make a folder:

models/players/(name of npc) in the base folder along with the npcs.cfg in an ext_data folder.


but when i tried to replace the reborn boss, it doesn't work. or any reborn. the closest i got was with the regular reborn. but then all the other reborns had no skin and i could see the indivisual poygons from the mesh! (and i don't think that's good)


so basically i just want to know if anyone has replaced the reborns and knows how to do it. (and then could tell me :D )

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If I am understanding what you want to do, it is quite easy. In my game I have replaced all the reborns (default, forceuser, fencer, etc.) with different models. I wanted to have the reborn behavior the same as the original game, so all I wanted was to change the model. This sounds like that's what you want to do, right?


So to create a .pk3 that will replace all the reborns, I made a directory called models/players/reborn. Note that the skins for all variants of the reborn are in this directory. The game just looks for different .skin files in there. Now, first lets just replace the default reborn. Put the model you want to use into the above directory, and rename the skin file to model_default.skin. It's as simple as that. Then you just need to do the same thing for the other models. Put all the new skins into the above directory, and rename the .skin files to whatever reborn you want to replace. So you could end up with up to all the following skin files:








Then make a .pk3 file out of this directory and place it into your base directory. That will replace the old reborn skins with your new models. This works for both MP and SP. Now I have some cool dark-robed models to replace those clown-looking reborn skins.


Hope that fixes your problem :)

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