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auto dodge??


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ok, here it is


Lately I have been playing a lot of Single Player. In some levels U have those green guys with the sniper rifles u know them. Sometimes when one of these guys shoots @ me my character goes into speed for a short time and dodges the beam. However this will not happen very often.


What triggers this auto dodge to work. Do I have to use a special force power or something? I never really saw kyle dodge beams untill very recently, so I'd like to know why and when it happens since it doesn't happen all the time.

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The auto dodge would be ok but the thing to do would be use force speed and dodge the shots yourself. I have done this while using a ranged weapon on the snipers so that by the time they aim for their first shot on me their already dead in a slow motion kind of way. Thing is you have to know where they are first. I never bothered with force speed much before but it is truely a wonderful power to have.

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I know what he means, I can sought of do it as well. spawn a rodian, then stand in front of him. put god on so u can't get hurt. Ocassionally kyle will dodge the sniper shots, though if you jolt the mouse and the shot is being fired, the chance of kyle dodging will increase.

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I found out how it automatically dodges, I think. You have to see the enemy on your screen and the enemy aim only a little to the left and right to your head and shoulders. It could also be that the enemy charges up the gun all the way and Kyle knows it and dodges it automatically. Both could be true or false.

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