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skinning questions


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well, since i am well over my head in mapping, i figure lets burden myself even more and re-skin Kyle!! Why not, eh !


I have a few ideas of what I want him to appear as, but am just wondering what CAN i get away with. So, here are some questions I have...


1) Can i loose the shoulder pad ?


2) lets say I want Kyle to wear a shirt with lettering on it. Can i take a .jpg or .tga of said lettering, and import it with my paint program to the Torso area?


3) I'f I wanted Kyle to have a baseball cap on, would this require me to start modelling, too ?

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1)Yes you can, simply remove it (delete the mesh itself form the hierarchy) or remove the pad with a .surf file. Option 1 requires re-weighting of the whole mesh, so i'd go with a surf file.


2)Yes, you open up Kyle's torso texture and paint over it.


3)That would require modelling, uvw mapping and re-weighting the whole mesh to the skeleton...fun isnt it?


So in short, you could do 1 and 2 without any modelling software.

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